[Known Issue][PS4/XB1] Loss of interactions

Hi, I have not encountered anything falling through the floor (yet) or the interaction bug and have survived to the longest day i’ve ever been since I recently started playing but I have just been hit by the save bug. My comments are the same as Ghostshadow above only I did not notice any ‘jumpy or sharp’ - although it was nightime. Is this bug thread going to be closed and a new one opened for the save issues or do we keep an eye on this one for updates for this ‘new’ bug (if it’s not already reported on another thread). Thx for your efforts.

Please also see the Known Issues posts I’ve created. I have separated them out for the moment, please post in whichever version of the issue matches your experience.

This thread will be closed soon.

I’m up and running! Was playing last night and I lost interactions and the regular fix didn’t work. I received an error was kicked out and low and behold…update! Thanks for all you do and the teams hard work to get this back up.

So far so good on PS4. Advanced, older saves included. I have saved many times and have yet to come across this new save bug.

I have been sailing around under my canopies and they appear to also be working again.

I have the game on PC as well, so the console bug was mitigated. Pros and cons to both versions.

But I still strongly disagree with the way this was handled.

This culture of releasing unfinished work and then fixing via the community is junk. It’s rampant these days and everyone knows it.

This game has been finished for quite some time. This was a change the Devs tried to give the fans for free. I’m curious, would you have preferred for paid content or for microtransactions instead? The road to hell is paved with good intentions.


Stranded Deep was technically released as ‘complete’ for consoles but is still in early access on PC. As far as I’ve heard, consoles received an older, more stable, version of what PC has. So technically the game is not finished. Consoles simply don’t yet have all that PC has, we get those as patches and updates.

While I will agree it was very kind of them to give us co-op for free as opposed to as DLC or micro transactions, many players of games such as this one have zero interest in co-op or multiplayer and would happily have continued playing as it was.

Also, I believe what this person was saying is that updates should be better tested before release. Mistakes happen and sometimes bugs are hard to find, but this one clearly wasn’t hard to find as evidenced by how many people experienced it.

Yeah, well we’re talking consoles in this issue. Its a finished product. Most PC versions and console versions of games differ. Everything you get is extra goodies if you’re on console. Including the bigger map if we get it on console. Which is something we may see. If we do… Expect a few bugs. And it should be noted… GTA and Red Dead and a few other newer games. If you want it online…You pay extra. Then they can pay people to test it before release… My question remains the same. Pay for the extras or microtransactions??? Its a pretty simple question.

I agree, testing would have prevented the issue. I’ve asked about volunteer beta testing here before. I’m not sure how practical that is or why they don’t have it. However, Cyberpunk and Rust are great examples of it not solving bugs on or for multiple platforms… Maybe creating software to run on multiple platforms is a bit tricky and creates a lot of Monday morning quarterbacks.

Funny, that! Day 39, save slot 3, game froze as I was saving. Tried hard reset, went back to load, just spinning it’s tires at ‘clean-up’. I finally waved good-bye and started a new game. I’m on xbone.

I believe they did run a beta test for the co-op update but only for users with Xbox, which makes me wonder why the bug wasn’t found sooner. I agree it would be very smart to leverage the community or to hire some actual testers. They do leverage the community with the PC version as it’s still in early access. But at least when people know they are playing an unfinished game they are a bit less angry about bugs and are more helpful in solving them without all of the fighting and dev abuse.

However, I must say I would not have purchased this game for console had I not already looked to see that the developers plan on bringing most of the features from PC to us in the future. Some are only QOL stuff but I’d like it in my game anyhow! :slight_smile: Our version of the game is only listed as complete because they don’t seem to allow games listed as ‘early access’ to be on consoles.

heh, Its been in early access on PC for about 6 years. I have that version as well. I like the console controls better tho. And you can absolutely get some early access games on Xbox. I have a few. Dawn of man and The Aftermath come to mind, right off the top of my head, for Independent game developers. This did not come with that warning because it was sold as a finished product. (Dawn of man is now a finished product and that warning has been removed).

Note: This game is no longer advertised as being in early access on steam anymore.

But should absolutely be listed as being so on consoles. IMHO.

The game is still in early access on steam it even says so right on the steam store

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I stand corrected. It does indeed if you scroll down. This should be stated on the consoles as well in the description.

Early Access Game

Get instant access and start playing; get involved with this game as it develops.

Note: This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development. Learn more


Why Early Access?

“We have a great game and you have great ideas - Early access is a platform that allows us to put those things together so you can help Stranded Deep grow to it’s full potential.

…As those ideas come together and evolve, there may be some hiccups, but we’ll always be doing our best to make sure that Stranded Deep is a playable, enjoyable game. Early Access is getting a bad reputation lately and we’d like to help turn that around. This is a game made by gamers - Beam Team - not a faceless corporation. We care about the game and the people who play it.

See our roadmap below for more details on the great things to come!”

Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?

“We don’t want to work on Stranded Deep forever. If all goes well, we’re hoping to have it completed by the end of 2015.

2021 UPDATE: The release of our new online co-op feature marks an important milestone for us. We’re so happy to be able to deliver the #1 feature requested by the community. This was one of our final goals for our debut title. We can’t wait to see how you tackle the islands together. Thank you for your ongoing support!

2016 UPDATE: The initial release of Stranded Deep was expected to be finished well before the end of 2015 - add a few more features and wrap it up. However, due to it’s success the project expanded way beyond that initial scope and we decided to add more content and features than we had planned due to player feature requests :)”

How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?

“We’re using Early Access to add more content and balance game mechanics through community input. We would like to think of the full release as the conclusion to this process.”

What is the current state of the Early Access version?

“This is Early Access and this is an early build.

All core mechanics for crafting, building and interacting are in place and functional. Players will be able to manage their character’s vital system and accumulate resources. Every current object and item in the game has a purpose and functionality that we will no doubt have to balance as development continues.

The world is infinitely procedurally-generated and full of different biomes. Areas will not be incomplete or locked off; Instead, the biomes and world generation will evolve as development progresses.

There is no “end-game” yet, so players will not be able to “beat” the game or be rescued.

Optimization is an ongoing process. We’ve made many optimizations along the way and have incorporated comprehensive graphics options, but there’s always more to do. We are confident in a stable performant build but this is never a guarantee.

We are very passionate developers and have put our heart and soul into Stranded Deep. We prefer not to give estimates of percentages or timelines for our development but we can be confident in saying that we’re not releasing bug-ridden shovel-ware.”

Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?

“The price will remain the same during Early Access. After Early Access has finished, the final price will reflect the additional content added during development - but it won’t be a big change.”

How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?

“We will be releasing a public board that lists our progress, concepts and issues so players can see what’s being addressed at the time and also that their feedback is being received and used positively.

We always read our feedback and take everyone’s opinion seriously. Receiving player feedback is important so we can use it to improve and evolve. We will see it.”

Game mechanics work great. Still some small issues. The underwater daytime bats are still there and I sometimes lose a palm frond if I don’t grab it fast enough. But overall looks and plays great!

Lol, didn’t whine. But I deleted that comment, because people like you see that as whining. It’s just that when you pay money for a game (no matter the price) you expect it to work. The team did an amazing job with the support. I’m very grateful for that :pray: it’s my favorite game by far, and after the latest fix 1.10, it’s working flawlessly for me.

[Removed -Clare]

Closing this issue as an update has been released and as it is going wildly off topic.

If you experience issues like this again, please create a new bug report and I shall address it as soon as possible.