[Console Crosspost] Multiplayer Launch Update!

@xredskaterstar The latests updates on this issue are here: [Known Issue][PS4/XB1] Loss of interactions (I keep the main post updated so you don’t need to read through comments)

And Sam (developer) has an update here: [PS4/XB1] Dev Update on Interaction Bug

When a fix is released then will be a new announcement made to inform players. I understand this issue is frustrating, but please remember to stick to the Rules and Guidelines - Stranded Deep of the forums when posting.

is there a way to save in multiplayer and come back to it later cause everytime i play with my friend we always have to restart because there is no save

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Make sure you are using the same saving slot that you began your game on. When you go to '‘play onlne’, a choice of ‘public’ and ‘region’ will come up. Change ‘public’ to ‘private’ and set your region. Everytime you quit your game and then reload to play again, those choices reset to ‘public’ and ‘region’. You will always have to reset to ‘private’ and your specific region. Hope this helps.

@Beam_Team still waiting for a change log to be posted.

I’ve noticed that since the PS5 addition, the game has been more noticeably laggy on PS4 than it used to be. It seems to lag every time I open a screen now, and saving is even more stuttery.

Maybe when the update on Playstation versions hit, it rolled all the Playstation versions to PS5 optimization instead of splitting it between the PS5 and PS4 settings? I don’t think the Playstation store will differentiate between consoles for games that started out on PS4 and became available for PS5, since all PS4 games by default can be played on PS5 from what I’m aware of.

Hopefully the game gets re-optimized for PS4 for those who simply can’t get their hands on a PS5 due to supply issues. I’m concerned that adding new features beyond this might slow PS4 survivors down until the game is optimized for them again. There’s also nothing present in the game’s graphics settings that can be changed to reduce the lag on our end.

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Sounds like.you have an old PS4, my Pro has never had a lag issue or freezing issue ever on stranded deep, except for the recent bug of course.

With that being said, your PS4 just sounds slow

Please see if you guys can make it to where we can convert a single player save to a multi-player one:(

I’m not sure, is it possible to play mp on PC or? :slight_smile:

Hi Mire, yep, it is possible to player Multiplayer on PC. Multiplayer is available on PC (Steam and Epic can crossplay) as well as PlayStation and Xbox (No crossplay on these platforms though).

Can confirm stranded deep on ps4 is laggy as heck, especially in the new co-op mode.

I’ve played on 3 different ps4s, one is brand new, and the game insanely glitchy/laggy. Errors kicking host or guest player, falling through the map, islands taking a loooong time to load (not islands with stuff build, just plain unexplored islands), crafted and harvested items becoming invisible to one player but not the other, one player becoming invisible, the list goes on.

Buddy and I have about 20hrs logged on a coop game together, and have probably spent another 10 hours re doing stuff that got lost when we get kicked without a save (or even worse kicked while saving x_x).

Looooove the game, just wish it was just slightly more…. Playable…

So will it become available, as i have a single player game theat i would like to invite my friends to but if i go online it starts a new game with none of my previous progress and i dont want to start again