[Console] Update 2116 Release Notes and Info

The main issues I’ve been having is when I play with my friend and join his game, I get disconnected every few minutes and then sometimes it will unsync to the point where I will load back in and all of the crates that we just spent an hour or two stocking with materials are now empty on my screen, but they’re perfectly fine on his.

I don’t see any specific mention of issues like that, so is there anything being done to address the desyncing issues and the constant disconnect issues for player two in a multiplayer game? The game is super fun but it is incredibly disheartening to spend all that time gearing up to embark on a journey just to get disconnected halfway to the island and then my buddy has to turn around to save and reload me back in which, by the way, isn’t exactly a quick process.

I love the fact that you guys are updating the game though, definitely gives me hope.

Still the problem that I can’t put some crates in some shelves, or they disappear right out of it with everything in them

Hi all,

Thank you for your feedback regarding the new update. As a reminder: I cannot follow up on issues in large threads. If you are experiencing issues in game, please submit a report in Console Bug Reports and I will get back to you asap. I’ve you’ve already done so, and an issue you are experiencing persists across versions, please update your pre-existing report rather than creating a new one as this helps me to keep track of issues experienced by players easier.

Thank you.

(Edit: making the post more eye catching)

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Re: Call Me Ahab still stuck for players
Following the update to 2116 and reports that the achievement is still stuck, the team have found if a trophy was created on a custom island in an earlier version, there is a chance that this is still blocking the achievement due to differences in achievement checks across versions.

The team are looking to release an additional fix for this blocker asap.

If you are 100% certain you did not craft your trophies on a custom island, please submit a report in the Console Bug Reports section and let me know. As we would want to investigate any other potential blockers asap.

What about the binoculars? Every time I try to use them my screen stays like I’m looking through them when I release the trigger. I just throw them in the trash pile.

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My wife and I are mainly having issues with client disconnects pretty regularly now. It’s at what seems like random moments

As far as I know, the bug with binoculars was fixed a long time ago and in any case, I did not have the problem of freezing the viewing screen in binoculars mode. Have you updated the game to the latest version?

Hey guys, I appreciate the hard work you put into the game. However, I have one major issue with consoles that I would like to you change. Could you change the steering setup while operating a motorboat? The design I imagine works fine on PC, but it makes operation almost impossible on a console having to do everything with one analog stick. Even a patch that makes the left stick accelerate/reverse and the right stick turn would help tremendously.

Thanks for the updates!!

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Jeeeesus man i just want to play a co op game with out a fkin disconnect or bug for more than 5 minutes! Its been YEARS guys wth?!?! This last console update (PS) seems to have made connections worse. Empty crates that were full now empty with items scattered about. Maybe a different profession? Not so sure games is the right path for y’all.

A post was split to a new topic: [PS5][2116] co-op issues


Didn’t see it listed for 2116, i may be blind…

Fishing Spear Works again, you can stab and collect as normal now. (as before, you had fight with it abit, or drop spear)

Just happen check for update… somehow missed “new” 2116 thread.

Havn’t had crate issue…yet. Still need try Taking raft apart and fixing it.

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Hi @Clare,

Do you have see whit the developpement team about the next update release date (for the call me ahab trophy :dotted_line_face:)

thank’s !

Hi Vilink,

While I know the team are working on the next update and it is due to contain the additional fix for Call Me Ahab, I unfortunately do not have a release date for this update at this time. Due to the many factors that can go into compiling an update, it can be difficult to estimate when it will be released. However as soon as I know more information, I will create a post in News and Announcements so it can’t be missed.

Thank you.

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Brand new player. Just want to say thank you. Beautiful game and very challenging. I really hope to see this stay live and can’t wait to see what comes next!!


Hi, if u are referring to not being able to craft them, then same on my side. (On Xbox)

Hello, do you plan to make a ps5 version of the game with better graphics and frame rate?

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Latest update info can be found here: [Console] Update 2121 Release Notes and Info

Please report any issues to the CONSOLE BUG REPORT section of the forums linked in the top post. I cannot follow up on issues reported in large threads like this.

Thank you.

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