[PS4][2104][Bugs] Campfire, view rising and seagulls

Bom dia, estou enfrentando alguns bugs durante a gameplay:

-Ao tentar acender a fogueira, ele para sozinho como se eu tivesse apertado para cancelar;

-Mira subindo em direção ao céu sozinha, dificultando a hora de criar as coisas ou pegar itens pequenos (não é problema com meu controle, isso só acontece no Stranded);

-Desaparecimento das gaivotas ao recarregar o save, atrapalhando no funcionamento da armadilha (as gaivotas só voltam à aparecer se eu for para outra ilha e retornar).

Também lido com problemas já relatados por outros jogadores, como:

  • Caixas que não abrem (resolve ao recarregar o save, porém não deixa de ser um bug);
    -Pilhas inacessíveis (resolve ao recarregar o save também);
  • Não conseguir construir sobre as fundações;
  • Gancho não prende nas paredes.

Esses foram os problemas que tenho enfrentado durante o jogo no momento. Reconheço o trabalho e dedicação da equipe em busca de nos fornecer o melhor jogo possível, obrigado pelo suporte e pelo respeito à nós como jogadores e consumidores.

In english:

Good morning, I’m facing some bugs during gameplay:

-When trying to light the fire, it stops alone as if I had pressed to cancel;

-Sight rising towards the sky alone, making it difficult to create things or pick up small items (it’s not a problem with my controller, this only happens in Stranded);

-Disappearance of the seagulls when reloading the save, disturbing the operation of the trap (the seagulls only reappear if I go to another island and return).

I also deal with issues already reported by other players, such as:

  • Boxes that don’t open (resolve when reloading the save, but it’s still a bug);
    -Inaccessible piles (solves when reloading the save too);
  • Not being able to build on the foundations;
  • Hook does not attach to the walls.

Those were the issues I’ve been facing while playing the game at the moment. I recognize the work and dedication of the team in order to provide us with the best game possible, thank you for your support and respect for us as players and consumers.

Hi KrooLS, welcome to the forums,

Thank you for taking the time to report the issues you are experiencing within Stranded Deep and for including an English translation of your post also.

Lighting the campfire:

  • Does your character move forward or look up when this issue occurs or does the game just exit the fire lighting animation?
  • Do you have “Auto walk” enabled? If so, please try turning it off to see if that helps at all
  • Have you been able to successfully light a fire before this or has this been occurring since the start of the game?
  • If you have another controller, please swap to that controller and try lighting the fire again to see if there is any difference for you.

View rising:

  • While I understand this is only happening in Stranded Deep, please also try a different controller for this issue too if you can. Different games have different levels of sensitivity to movement. It is possible that what is happening here is also causing the issue with the campfire as the controls are acting as if one of the sticks (most likely R3) is being pushed.
  • Similar to the campfire questions above - has this happened in your game since you started playing or did it only occur recently in game for you?
  • If it only occurred recently, do you recall what you were doing before this started to occur?
  • Does it happen on all islands or only one island in particular?
  • Please try clearing the cache of your console by shutting down and unplugging for 2 minutes before rebooting to see if that helps in game at all.
  • You may also wish to try a controller reset or recalibration - however I am unable to offer further guidance for this type of support and recommend you use PlayStation support and/or do your own research online.

Seagulls disappearing:

  • Can you confirm for me if you are referring to a flock of seagulls vanishing or resetting from their place in the sky, or if they vanish after being caught and traveling from one island to another places them in the trap again?
  • I’d greatly appreciate any additional info you can provide on this issue as it would help the team investigate the issue in detail.

Issues similar to other users:

Boxes/Piles that don’t open:

  • Can you confirm for me if you’re referring to containers that become “Stuck” after you use them? Some players have reported this as the containers being stuck open, but inaccessible?

Building on foundations and hooks not attaching to walls:

Again, thank you for reporting these issues. I understand they can be frustrating when playing and appreciate your support while the team works to resolve these issues. Any additional information you can give about your experience with any of the issues you mentioned above would be hugely appreciated by the team, can help with investigating and fixing issues and may help me to provide further suggestions for workarounds for you to try in some cases.

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Obrigado pela resposta Clare,

Acendendo a fogueira:

-O jogo simplesmente sai da animação de acender a fogueira, como se eu tivesse apertado para cancelar, sendo que não fiz isso.(esse problema ocorre com todas as fogueiras, já testei)

-O “Auto Walk” está desativado.

-Sim, antes eu acendia a fogueira normalmente, esse problema começou do nada durante meu progresso no jogo, não sei dizer exatamente quando.(Eu jogo o game desde Dezembro de 2022). Eu consigo acender a fogueira depois de algumas tentativas, mas isso é frustrante mesmo assim.

-Infelizmente não tenho outro controle para testar.

Vista subindo:

-Isso é estranho, pois às vezes acontece, e às vezes não. Ontem mesmo eu joguei e não tive esse problema. E não são subidas bruscas, a vista sobe devagar, porém é perceptível e atrapalha principalmente na caça e ao pegar carnes pequenas no defumador.

-Isso acontece em todas as ilhas.

-Limpo o cache frequentemente para evitar lags, mas esse problema da vista subindo persiste.

-Vou seguir a dica de recalibrar o controle, caso funcione, vou dizer aqui.

Gaivotas Desaparecendo:

-Me expressei mal, elas não desaparecem, na verdade elas não geram na ilha. Não aparece nenhum bando no céu, e consequentemente a armadilha não pega nada, pois não tem gaivotas para pegar.

Caixas/pilhas que não abrem:

-Sim, sempre acontece com 1 conteiner aleatório, toda vez que entro no jogo. Ele fica com a textura como se estivesse aberto, e não consigo acessá-lo, o botão R1 não aparece (assim como no caso da Pilha), apenas aparece o “quadrado” para colocar ele no inventário.

Vou informar vocês sempre que acontecer algo diferente, afinal quanto mais o jogo for polido, melhor para todos nós. Gosto bastante de Stranded Deep, mas ele realmente precisa de ajustes para chegar ao seu potencial máximo, principalmente as versões de console. Contamos e acreditamos no bom trabalho de vocês.

Se precisar de informações mais específicas sobre os problemas, é só perguntar.

In english:

Hi, thanks for the reply Clare,

Lighting the fire:

-The game simply exits the animation of lighting the bonfire, as if I had pressed to cancel, when I didn’t. (this problem occurs with all bonfires, I’ve tested it)

-“Auto Walk” is disabled.

-Yes, before I lit the fire normally, this problem started out of nowhere during my progress in the game, I can’t say exactly when.(I’ve been playing the game since December 2022). I manage to light the fire after a few tries, but it’s still frustrating.

-Unfortunately I don’t have another controller to test.

View Rising:

-This is strange, because sometimes it happens, and sometimes it doesn’t. Yesterday I played and I didn’t have this problem. And they are not sudden climbs, the view goes up slowly, but it is noticeable and it gets in the way mainly when hunting and when picking up small meats in the Smoker.

-This happens on all islands.

-I clean the cache frequently to avoid lags, but this problem with the view going up persists.

-I’ll follow the tip of recalibrating the control, if it works, I’ll say it here.

Seagulls Disappearing:

-I expressed myself badly, they don’t disappear, in fact they don’t spawn on the island. No flocks appear in the sky, and consequently the trap catches nothing, as there are no seagulls to catch.

Boxes/piles that won’t open:

-Yes, it always happens with 1 random container, every time I enter the game. It has the texture as if it were open, and I can’t access it, the R1 button doesn’t appear (as in the case of the Piles), only the “square” appears to put it in the inventory.

I will inform you whenever something different happens, after all, the more the game is polished, the better for all of us. I really like Stranded Deep, but it really needs tweaks to reach its full potential, especially the console versions. We count on and believe in your good work.

If you need more specific information about the issues, just ask.

Hi KroosLS,

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions. I really appreciate this.

I understand you do not have an additional controller for testing and will inform the team of the issues you are experiencing. If you do try the controller reset or recalibration, please let me know even if it does not work - confirming it works, or ruling it out because it didn’t work can be helpful for the team when they are investigating on their end.

The fact that it has also occurred over time and doesn’t occur every time when the view is moving up is also interesting. When this occurs, would you have a lot of loose items nearby or would you have recently cleared / harvested an entire island before noticing it?

Thank you for clarifying this. I understand the issue now. Can you confirm for me if the island where you have your trap is a custom island you added yourself or if it is one generated by the game?
Also, Please let me know what your animal settings in the options are and if you’ve ever noticed any bats at night on the island.

Please let me know if there are any other issues you wish to report - I’ll provide any workarounds if I can and inform the team of anything you report.

Thank you again for answering my questions and for your support of the team as they work to resolve issues in the game.

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Oi Clare,

Eu observei bastante quando joguei ontem, e tenho algumas constatações.

A incidência dos bugs de acender a fogueira e da vista subindo é muito maior quando tem vários itens espalhados na ilha. Desde que começei a conversa com você, venho organizando a vila com caixas e pilhas, e isso tem melhorado muito o desempenho do jogo. Ontem joguei, e não tive o problema da vista subindo e nem o problema ao acender a fogueira (e eu não cheguei a recalibrar o controle). O único problema que persistiu foi o da não geração de gaivotas, e respondendo as suas outras 3 perguntas:
1- Minha ilha é gerada pelo jogo, ainda não tenho nenhuma ilha personalizada no save.
2- A configuração de animais está padrão.
3- Percebi que quando entro no jogo não geram morcegos à noite, assim como as gaivotas. Eles só geraram quando fui para outra ilha também, ou seja, o problema das gaivotas e morcegos é semelhante.

Uma informação adicional é que os outros animais (peixes, tubarões, cobras, javalis, caranguejos) estão gerando normalmente, então o problema é apenas com os animais voadores.

Com isso, creio que os problemas com a vista subindo e a fogueira sejam voltados para a otimização do jogo, e não bugs isolados. Já no caso das gaivotas e morcegos sim, existe um erro na geração deles. É minha opinião, mas vou deixar para os profissionais analisarem melhor essa situação.

Fugindo um pouco do tema, também observei que dez batatas que eu havia deixado no chão da ilha simplesmente sumiram. Antes eu separava a colheita (ajuga, aloe, batata,etc) no chão da ilha, e apenas as batatas sumiram, o resto permaneceu normalmente. Não sei se vocês já receberam reclamações quanto à isso, porém achei importante avisar esse acontecido.

In english:

Hi Clare,

I watched a lot when I played yesterday, and I have some observations.

The incidence of bugs from lighting the bonfire and the view going up is much higher when there are several items scattered on the island. Since I started the conversation with you, I’ve been organizing the village with boxes and stacks, and this has greatly improved the performance of the game. Yesterday I played, and I didn’t have the problem with the view going up or the problem when lighting the fire (and I didn’t recalibrate the control). The only problem that persisted was the non-generation of seagulls, and answering your other 3 questions:
1- My island is generated by the game, I still don’t have any custom island in the save.
2- The animals configuration is default.
3- I noticed that when I enter the game, bats do not spawn at night, as well as seagulls. They only spawned when I went to another island too, i.e. the seagulls and bats problem is similar.

An additional piece of information is that the other animals (fish, sharks, snakes, wild boars, crabs) are spawning normally, so the problem is only with the flying animals.

With this, I believe that the problems with the view going up and the bonfire are problems at optimizing the game, not isolated bugs. In the case of seagulls and bats, yes, there is an error in their generation. It’s my opinion, but I’ll leave it to the professionals to analyze this situation further.

Leaving the subject a little, I also noticed that ten potatoes that I had left on the floor of the island simply disappeared. Before I separated the harvest (ajuga, aloe, potato, etc) on the ground of the island, and only the potatoes disappeared, the rest remained normally. I don’t know if you’ve already received complaints about this, but I thought it was important to let you know about this.

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Hi KroosLS,

Thank you for letting me know you found the issue with the fire lighting and camera moving up was eased as you started to store more items in crates. In this case, this means that it is similar to some stability fixes the team were working on previously and I will let them know you’d noticed this in your game. But overall I’m glad this has helped remove these issues for you.

Thank you for answering my questions regarding your gameplay setup and the seagulls. I believe bats work on the same system so it would make sense that you have not seen those either.

Sorry for my confusion but I just need to make sure I have the info right for the team - when you say that the seagulls spawn in after you go to another island, are you referring to seeing them on other islands but not your base island or do you mean when you return to your base island after visiting another island, they have spawned in may not reappear if you reload your save?

Please also let me know if your base island / main island is the first island you visit in a game, or a different one on the map? While I believe they should spawn on all islands, I am wondering if there could be something about the particular island you are on that is triggering the issue, or if it is the seagull / bat spawner on your island that is affected.

Again, thank you for answering my questions - the details you’ve provided so far has been very informative.

I appreciate you reporting the potato issue also. I have heard players mention issues with potatoes before and I will share your details with the team. Is this something that occurred recently for you while playing the current version of the game? Also, please let me know if you can recall how long the potatoes had been there - if it is long enough for the potatoes to have spoiled, I wonder if they vanished when they changed from regular to spoiled potatoes.

Lastly: did you notice if the potatoes vanished after reloading your save, returning from another island, or just during gameplay on your island? - This could understandably be difficult to determine, but if you are able to narrow it down, that’d be very helpful.

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Oi Clare,
Sim, parece ser algo relacionado a estabilidade, pois quando deixei a minha ilha “limpa”, esses bugs não aconteceram mais.

Sobre as gaivotas e morcegos, apartir do momento que vou para outra ilha, elas geram normalmente tanto na ilha que estou visitando, quanto na minha ilha base quando retorno pra lá. Fiz alguns testes, e descobri que esse bug acontece exclusivamente quando eu carrego o save, e acontece com qualquer ilha que eu esteja quando salvei antes de sair do jogo, e não só na minha ilha base.
E como você perguntou, minha ilha base não é a ilha inicial, é uma ilha ao lado dela. Mas como eu disse, esse bug ocorre independende da ilha que eu esteja quando salvei. Ao carregar o save, sempre acontece.

Sobre as batatas, sim, isso ocorreu na atual versão do jogo. Eu acredito que não tenha haver com a mudanda de estado da batata, pois elas já estavam estragadas quando coloquei elas no chão. Ontem quando li sua mensagem, deixei uma batata no chão para descobrir como ela sumia. Fiquei dois dias na mesma ilha, e ela permaneceu no chão. Mas no terceiro dia eu saí para explorar outra ilha, passei 2 dias fora, e quando retornei pra base, a batata havia sumido. Então pelo que tudo indica, a troca de ilha pode ter ocasionado isso. O único teste que eu não fiz foi largar a batata no chão, salvar e recarregar o save para ver se ela sumia, mas vou fazer hoje e aviso o resultado aqui.

Não precisa agradecer pelas informações Clare, é meu dever como jogador e amante do jogo relatar os problemas que estou enfrentando, em busca de ajudar a equipe a melhorar e polir o jogo cada vez mais.

In english:

Hi Clare,
Yes, it seems to be something related to stability, because when I “cleaned” my island , these bugs didn’t happen anymore.

About seagulls and bats, from the moment I go to another island, they usually spawn both on the island I’m visiting and on my base island when I return there. I did some tests, and I found that this bug happens exclusively when I load the save, and it happens with any island I’m on when I save before exiting the game, and not just on my home island.
And as you asked, my base island is not the starting island, it’s an island next to it. But as I said, this bug occurs regardless of the island I’m on when I save. When loading the save, this bug always happens.

About the potatoes, yes, that happened in the current version of the game. I believe it has nothing to do with the change of state of the potatoes, as they were already spoiled when I put them in the ground. Yesterday when I read your message, I left a potato on the floor to find out how it disappear. I stayed two days on the same island, and it stayed on the ground. But on the third day I left to explore another island, I spent 2 days away, and when I returned to base, the potato was gone. So, by all indications, the island change may have caused this. The only test I didn’t do was drop the potato on the ground, save and reload the save to see if it disappeared, but I’ll do it today and let you know the result here.

You don’t need say thank you for the info Clare, it’s my duty as a player and lover of the game to report the issues I’m facing in order to help the team improve and improve the game more and more.

Hi KrooLS,

My apologies for the delay in responding to your message as I wanted to check some things with the team to see if there was any additional information they might require at this time.

I’ve now submitted a new report based on the information you shared about the seagulls so they team can try to replicate and investigate it on their end. In talking to a team member about this it seems they were investigating something similar in the PC version, so you info may also help that team in their investigation too.

I have also added the details of your experience with the Potatoes to a pre-existing report so the team can investigate this issue further.

While you have said I don’t need to say thank you for the info, I want you to know I greatly appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions and share this information. Thank you for your ongoing support and understanding while the team works to improve the game.

One thing I think the team may request, especially in relation to the seagull issue, is a copy of your save file. Unfortunately the team cannot fix and return individual save files, but they will use your save file in their investigations and testing fixes before releasing them to the community as a whole.

If you’re happy to share your save file, you can use the following steps:

  1. Turn on PS4

  2. Insert an External USB Drive into one of the 2 USB ports on the front of the console.

  3. In the main menu, go to “Settings”

  4. Click on “Application Saved Data Management”

  5. Select “Saved Data in System Storage”

  6. Select “Copy to USB Storage Device”

  7. Select Stranded Deep

  8. Select all files and press “Copy”

  9. Wait until transfer is complete

  10. Remove External Drive

  11. Zip up all files copied to USB drive including “.bin” and “Profile” files on your computer.

  12. Upload the zip file to an online sharing service such as One Drive, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc and send me a direct message here with the link. I can then retrieve the file for the team and pass it onto them.

Thank you.