[PS4][2071][Gameplay] Can't interact with most things

Watchyojet. Im confused what you mean or where i over reacted. I just stated how i see it and you have that right too.

You keep saying “every game has bugs”.

Your intentionally avoiding the point and making false equivalences to something not working perfectly when you already know thats not true.

If someone at Bungee changed the code on Halo to where you cant shoot or aim at all. You wouldnt say to people stop complaining every game has bugs.

The game is a survival game. They took away survival feature.

If me pointing any of that out bothers you sorry but im not sorry. Thanks for your input though.

These things happen, the devs are human also. We all make mistakes. Could they have made a better job? Definitely, there’s no arguing that. But you are clearly exaggerating things. If it bothers you that much I suggest you shut your mouth and continue on without life. Bitching about an error in the code for hours online doesn’t help resolving this issue.

Watchyojet. Thanks for your suggestion. Your nobody to tell me “shut my mouth”. Mind your own business. If you don’t like something you read take your own advice and shut your mouth.

All i did on here was fill out the bug details thing like everyone else. And disagreed with a person telling me to be grateful and thank the devs. I said why i didnt think that was an appropriate response and why.

Somehow that hurt your feelings and it shouldnt. I don’t know you never will. I dont care.

Probably a time thing. Takes roughly 7 games days. Or 4 hours of real life time.

I can absolutely produce the effect on demand in 7 game days.

Exactly. My paranoic theory is that something was changed in world generation and at some point of gameplay something that was coded to happen unitentionally cause this glitch. It can be a lot of things, spawn of critters/animals/weathereffects etc., we can’t know for sure. Devs have the tools to watch it happen in the game memory in real time, we as players can only deduce things based on our paranoic assumptions, but sometimes we are right and ours guesses can be used as point of reference.
At this point if we players can make it glitch so easily, the devs have done too. Lets wait for their response. I’m curious about wtf cause it, I hope that we get our response very soon. And maybe more, I desire those delicous features pc players have. Item pilestack? give it to us!!! :neutral_face:

I am curious if the game isn’t slowly rising up into the sky box or something until the hit boxes become unhittable. Seems the island glitches its way from the top of the island down after it begins.

After its all over I hope they tell us what happened.

(Damn typos. Glad you can edit here.)

I noticed something like this, the glitched island behave in a weird way, the point of interaction with object gets misaligned with the graphics, as if the hitbox of interaction all sunk diagonally.
@DanBurke420 YES! I HOPE TOO.
@Clare , we will get our answers, right? that’s fair, right? :frowning:

Obviously you don’t understand what I mean about 7 days. But whatever…

My raft flew randomly into the air with me on it kept going i had to jump off fell probably 1000 feet into the water. Was a couple in game days before the bug though. Im a new player idk if that happened before the update or not.

The raft never came back kept going.

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I’ve done that before with the last update last Dec.

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Hi all,

I would like to remind everyone to keep discussions civil, on topic and to stick to the Rules and Guidelines - Stranded Deep of the forums.

I have no problem with you sharing feedback - positive or negative about the game, but please refrain arguing / throwing insults at each other or from posting accusations about the staff or their intentions.

There is a great amount of information being shared and discussed in this thread and I would hate to have to lock it.

With regards to answers (as Zuvu tagged me) I’ll continue to share information with the team and should I get any details about progress, what could be causing the issue etc I will update the Known Issues thread. So please keep and eye on that one too.



Did anyone try generating a new island with cartographer and seeing if things work there?

I was thinking about trying that. Simply because I haven’t seen any snakes yet after the update in a new save.

Or if you make the island height super low maybe you can get more rescources since it will be closer to sea level

Does it eventually glitch out for you even at sea level?

It does for me.

Hello Claire,

I am also having this issue after 13 in game days playing co-op.

  1. We did not use a preexisting save we started a new game.

  2. We loaded the second island we traveled to (our base island) and we could interact with things fine when we loaded and after going to and returning from from the 3rd island.

  3. What I think may have triggered the bug was we were using the starter life raft and noticed it was missing (anchor was down) we turned wildlife passive and went looking for it we found it back at the third island beached we didn’t know how to beach the raft at that point and had to figure out how to pull things to unbeach it upon arriving back at the second island this issue happened we couldn’t interact with things and our shelter wasn’t protecting us from the sun.

So overall we have to stop until this can be corrected I hope this is helpful, thanks.

Heh, I’m sure the devs didn’t want this to happen. Lol. I bought and tried green hell. Shoooo. That game is tough. Its just not a replacement for stranded deep. It feels more… hmmm,. Arcadish to me.

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I just generated a new island full of resources and shipwrecks and when i sailed there it was completely bare and empty.

Gonna try this now. Was it a tall one or as low as possible?

Hi Claire,

Hit the 5 hour (real time) mark again twice just to test and it happened again. Also, I could climb trees but not on screen highlighting or text and coconuts were missing.

Hope there’s a solution soon :+1:t4:

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