[PC][Steam][0.90.00][Coop-Multiplayer] Strange white diamond grows slowly on black background

Strange white diamond grows slowly on black background until everything is white on a public host after a player disconnects.



OnDisconnect 0 LOAD_GAME Loading: False Join False 
(Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

Error in Disconnected
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at RewiredUtilities.GetUserInterfaceFromInput (Rewired.Player input) [0x00016] in <2e43b62b243c4abca6d6ddf9305c0121>:0 
  at Beam.UI.DialogueBox._Show (Rewired.Player input, System.String title, System.String message, Beam.UI.DialogueButton buttons, Beam.UI.DialogueIcon icon, Beam.UI.DialogueType type, System.Boolean keepCurrent) [0x00000] in <2e43b62b243c4abca6d6ddf9305c0121>:0 
  at Beam.UI.DialogueBox.Show (Rewired.Player input, System.String title, System.String message, Beam.UI.DialogueButton buttons, Beam.UI.DialogueIcon icon, Beam.UI.DialogueType type) [0x0000a] in <2e43b62b243c4abca6d6ddf9305c0121>:0 
  at LevelLoader.OnDisconnect (Funlabs.PlayerDisconnectedEvent event) [0x000e1] in <2e43b62b243c4abca6d6ddf9305c0121>:0 
  at Beam.Events.EventManager+<>c__DisplayClass13_0`1[T].<AddListener_>b__0 (Beam.Events.IEvent e) [0x00000] in <2e43b62b243c4abca6d6ddf9305c0121>:0 
  at (wrapper delegate-invoke) <Module>.invoke_void_IEvent(Beam.Events.IEvent)
  at Beam.Events.EventManager.RaiseEvent_[T] (T e) [0x0001c] in <2e43b62b243c4abca6d6ddf9305c0121>:0 
  at Beam.Events.EventManager.RaiseEvent[T] (T e) [0x00011] in <2e43b62b243c4abca6d6ddf9305c0121>:0 
  at Funlabs.MultiplayerMng.Disconnected (BoltConnection connection) [0x00070] in <2e43b62b243c4abca6d6ddf9305c0121>:0  
(Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

10/03/2021 14:34:26: Broadcast disabled 
(Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

Unloading 3 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)

Unloading 43 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 76720.
Total: 251.570593 ms (FindLiveObjects: 6.822333 ms CreateObjectMapping: 5.683074 ms MarkObjects: 238.256112 ms  DeleteObjects: 0.808219 ms)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at Beam.ParticlesWeatherEventEffect.UpdateEffect (System.Single normalizedFade) [0x00057] in <2e43b62b243c4abca6d6ddf9305c0121>:0 
  at WeatherEvent.UpdateEffects () [0x00016] in <2e43b62b243c4abca6d6ddf9305c0121>:0 
  at WeatherEvent+<StartEvent_Sequence>d__75.MoveNext () [0x00090] in <2e43b62b243c4abca6d6ddf9305c0121>:0 
  at MEC.Timing.RunCoroutineInternal (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator`1[T] coroutine, MEC.Segment segment, System.Int32 layer, System.Boolean layerHasValue, System.String tag, MEC.CoroutineHandle handle, System.Boolean prewarm) [0x001ce] in <a0714940289e4840a0b10b7be3f13b15>:0 
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)
MEC.Timing:RunCoroutineInternal(IEnumerator`1, Segment, Int32, Boolean, String, CoroutineHandle, Boolean)
(Filename: <2e43b62b243c4abca6d6ddf9305c0121> Line: 0)

Complete log: https://0x0.st/-geI.txt

Hi megavolt,

To clarify: this happens after you join a public host and that host disconnects?

Hi @Night_Snake :wink:

Ok maybe it was not clear enough, sorry for that.

  1. I was the host and did not connect to a game.
  2. The connection of the player crashed or he just disconnects. No idea.

It happens only once since now.

I would like to update my post, but I cannot…

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