Message from the Team - Stranded Deep 2 is in Development

Hi everyone,

It’s been a while since we checked in. We’ve been busy behind the scenes and working towards beginning development on Stranded Deep 2.

It was confirmed as part of a North Beach Games press release today that Stranded Deep 2 is now in development and that Sam has joined NBG as their Creative Director and CTO! The game will be developed in the new North Beach Games Prague studio.

We’re excited to share more information with you about Stranded Deep 2 as soon as we can. We’ve learned a lot since we started developing Stranded Deep all those years ago and we hope you’ll join us on this new adventure! For now our heads are down and focusing on the early development phase. If you’d like to read today’s press release, you can find it [here]

Thank you once again for all your support!

Stay tuned and…

Stay Alive!
– Beam Team


If it’s coming to console I’ll be pre ordering

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Wait wait wait. Is Claire coming to the new studio with you? If not I’ll boycott!

JK Congrats!



Best news of the year ! Can’t wait to play SD2 !!!

Best thing I’ve heard this year


This is awesome news, I can’t wait to play SD2. Will you let us know if there is a way to BETA Test for Console and PC?


I agree, Clare needs to be there


Omg please communicate this for me we want

-Character customization
-We should be able to find people (rare) npc(some can act as monsters or helpers to keep fire lit or cut wood or notes from people who once lived
-include or hire some of the modders cat did a really good job will items and fillable barrel

Island wise

  • varied music please
  • caves
    -varied fruit some poisonous and we need to discern
    -put springs of water in mountains
    -Allow us to manipulate the size of object on custom islands
    -more monsters the ocean is so empty more land monsters to again crazy ppl or canabils on the islands would be insane
    More items and craftables

Cross play on pc and counsel

Walkie talkies to allow us to talk to other players

Three players in multiplayer with option to spawn together or on different island throughout the map and goal to find each other to escape or escape alone

We should be able to fight in online mode if some one messes up ur camp you be able to choose violence

More bosses


Very cool! Wonderful news! Tell a friend! :deaf_man:


Out of curiosity, and I know you can’t give an accurate timeline at such an early stage, but…

What would be your ideal timeline for a release?
Are you planning to go into Early Access?


This is fire news! I can’t wait to see what the team does with Stranded Deep 2. I had a feeling, as stated in an old post of mine, that this would probably be the option to take than to keep working on part 1 and years later, here we are. I still wish you guys gave the first one a next-gen update at least.

Still… this is amazing news and I do hope Clare decides to continue with you guys because she has been amazing throughout the years here on the SD forums. Thank you to Clare. Been years since I’ve been on here. I hope everyone is doing well.

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Thanks everyone for the lovely words of support :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I plan to be along for the SD2 ride! And look forward to sharing more with the community about what’s to come once the team are ready :smiley:


Ahh wait wait, I haven’t finished the first one yet lol…
I’m not giving up on it yet!
I hate the ocean and the game terrifies me, and yet I can’t stop…
I’ll definitely try SD2 though. :fearful:

So glad your going to be there ! 100% the right decision :clap:

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It’ll be interesting to knows the specifics and how It’ll be different from sd1

Hope we can get some news soon.

LoL! Guess the escape plane couldn’t fly much further than the gyrocopter since we’re still stranded for a SD2…

Just curious, are you ending all further updates/dev work on SD1 now that you’re working on SD2?

SD1 was marked as feature complete ages ago. Only bug fixes and QoL changes going forward.

With SD2 in the works I wouldn’t expect to see any updates for SD1 anytime soon unless they have one that’s almost ready to go.

This is very exciting news! Lets go! I wonder if Wollie will be coming with us… :star_struck:

Any chance of any sort of news or new information about SD2?

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