Message from the Team - Stranded Deep 2 is in Development

Excited for stranded deep 2, still playing 1 now and again. 2 wont be out for some time, a little update to add shark spawners for console on custom islands would be awesome.

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Hey we just finished this game for the first time last month. LOVE IT so much - spending time on tropical islands, fighting sharks & hogs, making beautiful beach front huts. Already started a second game. Excited for SD2 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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PLEASE make it cross compatible between xbox and PC !! I was so upset to find out SD1 wasnt after removing it from game pass. I spent 20$ on the game and its not worth it when I cant play with my friends :frowning:

If it does have MP at launch it should be cross play across all platforms (PC, XB and PS)

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Not sure what I’m hoping for in SD2.

Wounder if it’ll keep with current time theme.

I’d love a Medieval version… abit of weapon play… island caves with enemies in them.
(you could get abit weird with DnD setting XD) or not…

Maybe more vertical space, for caves and cliff climbing with ship sailing.

I hope Shark AI is abit better, (nothing crazy like Monster Hunter levels) You watch tiger/bull shark come up on people in oceans, and how quick they can turn and flex.

Bigger shoals and more spilt islands. (PC mods really nailed that)

I’m rambling… thought about this to much. Happen upon a reddit post mention SD2. XD

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Eu amei este jogo. Ele foi muito importante numa fase difícil de minha vida pois sofri um grave acidente. Eu conseguia imergir no game e me desligar da realidade. Espero que caprichem e façam o melhor game de sobrevivência! Love from Brasil :heart::medal_sports:

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That’s awesome to read, hope all is well with you, stay safe out there!

My wish list:
Randomised island spawns, not grid like. Give us some islands that have no other islands in visible range, and others that spawn in a cluster of 3-5 that could be swimmable (no “deep blue” between).

Temperature to play a part. Puts more emphasis on fires and shelter being required. Also opens up new crafting options for warm/cold weather clothing. Building on that, perhaps rotating seasons for long saves. 100 days of extreme heat, so more focus on needing shade/water collectors/UV protection. Followed by 100 days of cold, so more focus on needing fires and clothing, with more storms making travel harder.

Land bosses. Not really much to explain.

More interactive environment/wildlife. Being able to cut down palm trees but not other trees/bushes is (in my opinion) a waste of island space. Being able to hunt groupers and sharks but not black reef sharks is a shame too.

On interactivity line of thought, perhaps a shovel tool to allow some basic terraforming. Maybe flatten out some of an island for easier building. A shovel also opens up the possibility for treasure maps and digging up hidden chests.

Following from treasure maps, how about creating maps of the area. Similar to how minecraft does it. The more you explore the more appears on the map.

NPC survivors. Maybe 2 in 25 islands have an NPC survivor that offer rewards for collect/fetch quests. Allow the ability to “recruit” the NPCs to your island and assign tasks. Set them to tend to farming plots or water collection. Send them to other islands to “loot” the area. The catch is you are then responsible for providing additional resources for their needs and have to make a tough call to make further repairs/modifications to the escape craft so you can also rescue them or leave them behind. The “continue” after the inevitable escape fail then takes one of two routes; either you continue with friendly NPCs indefinitely or the ones you left behind become hostile and you cannot return to your original base without being attacked.

Some easy to implement, and more far fetched ideas there. But nothing that I think is an impossibility for a sequel. Either way, will no doubt love SD2. Happy surviving :slight_smile:

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Great news from SD2. Looking forward to it. I wanted to see SD2 optimized, but this line of nostalgia that made so many people sail the seas and remote islands, discovering their secrets and dangers. Just please! Don’t forget to make SD2 available with the Portuguese BR translation. Success!

Hmmm, Wilson, what do we have here?

Is Ben not working on Stranded Deep 2 ?

Is multiplayer on stranded deep one even playable yet? Could you fix the first game before deciding to work on an extremely bugged second?

I was instantly excited but then instantly thought, would we be able to play it for more than 5 mins before it crashes and turns the console off.