[Known Issue][PS4/XB1] Loss of interactions

Thank you for the update, it means a lot to most of us.


On ps4 the giant crab and the giant boar wouldn’t take damage from thrown spears or just by hitting them. If I threw the spear it would go through the boar and do no damage.

Thanks for your comment, agreed regarding the fact that this shouldn’t drive them beyond their limits. Still I believe that it would take the pressure of them if rolling back would be possible, I added this to my post. Regarding multiplayer, if this situation remains for much longer, there will be noone left to join because many will quit playing. Regarding Rome: This isn’t like building up something completely from scratch so a different scenario - I wonder about your opinion which timeframe should players find acceptable for an unplayable game they just lately payed money for, so that’s what I’m actually asking for, would it be acceptable to wait another week? Or 2 weeks? No one knows atm, and that’s where the team has to take a decision about what options they have and what would be the better overall outcome in such a fast moving business, where people simply move to another game and never come back…

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A bit harsh to expect the game to work?

You said you’d rather they take the time to fix it properly… Yeah… They are supposed to take the time to make sure an update works before they release it. Or, better yet, fix the problems in the existing game before trying to add more. The reply for most of the bugs in this game? ‘workarounds’

Some solutions you can find right here on their offical forums… Try standing still whenever you get to a new island and starring at the sky for a while to prevent game crashes. Don’t look at the island you’re traveling to to avoid game crashes. Don’t put your resources on the ground… but the devs also won’t do the work to let console players have ‘piles’…

Ladder hitmarkers have been broken for over a year? Their solution… Aim for the water, jump, and hope for the best. :roll_eyes:

If anyone else is interested in requesting a refund for the game;
playstation.com/en-us/support/store/ps-store-refund-request/ .

Keep in mind, it is policy for Sony to refuse refunds for digital games after they have been downloaded/Played, this however dose not apply to faulty software.

That being said, if you’ve had the game for two years and played 10,000+ hours, you’re not going to get a refund. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Dunno. Lets hope they certify the emergency pach quick on consoles tho

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esto no se va a solucionar eso no tengo ninguna duda

You know Clare isnt a dev, right? She can only relay what the devs tell her and afaik isnt getting compensated for managing these forums. So perhaps you would consider being more respectful towards someone who is sincerely trying hard to do what she can for the community instead of taking out your fristration for the devs on her.


I said what I had to say. Good day.

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started a new game on slot 2, interaction works with all items, all over the Island, at different heights

What day are you on? New games work well till around day 10…

I just want to point out that the game was playable before the update. I got to 20 days with no issues still have that save spot and found the plane that you have to fix. It’s been on PC for a good bit and took them 5 years to bring it console. The devs are not some big company like most survival games so this one bug isn’t really a big deal. Patch came out one week ago and we are sending info to the and they found the issue they are working on it. I appreciate someone telling us they they are working ok it instead of just being left in the dark like most game devs. Besides it’s just two people from what I know that are developing it


We need a deadline and a solution. Besides the loss of interaction with any object, it is impossible to eat, drink water, that is, they have updated and left the game completely broken, impossible to be played, it is very amateurish. In addition to this totally insane bug, the islands created and customized by players are deserted. I’ve already started playing on another profile, I’ve tried to play only crouched, but it’s very ridiculous to have to play like that because the developer hasn’t tested it and hasn’t presented a solution for 5 days for the problem. Wouldn’t it be easier to get the update off while working on it? Or would you rather read negative reviews and lose players?

Have you ever tried to code a game? Its harder than you all seem to think it is. It is a major bug and will take time. So i sugest you shut up. If you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything.


Though it’s not a permanent workaround I’ve added Reebonts Workaround to the top post. I understand its not ideal but it may help some players get to their home island or save.

While I’m not sure if this’ll work, if you try Reebont’s workaround and manage return interactions, try avoiding large islands with cliffs, if the issue is to do with the missing snakes traveling to another island that should have them may cause the issue to trigger - Please let me know if you do or don’t notice this. I want to continue tracking this for the team.

Also to remind everyone that this is an information post. Please keep it on topic, I know you’re frustrated but this is an information post for the issue. You’re welcome to share feedback, positive and negative but please do it in the correct place, keep it civil and stick to the Rules and Guidelines - Stranded Deep of the forums.

First day, 30 days in the main game. I did not know that the error does not appear immediately

started happening only after i actually tried the online play, last night around 2am est.

it was peak daylightwhen it happened for 2 different playthrus. i’ve had it happen both long after last saving (30 mins) and immediately after reloading. i think clay might have something to do with it? for this second playthru i can still interact with clay above sea level, but that might be because i had just dropped it

also yes i noticed there were no snakes where there should have been, but the bug didnt start (2nd playthru) until the a few days into being on the second tall island that shouldve had snakes

Coconut Flask x 1
Medical Chest x 1

Craft x1 chill potion.

It’s in Dev’s best interests to get it fixed and we must trust they will. It’s only a game ffs and I highly suspect the people complaining they bought the game got it free on PS4 Plus in reality

the first time the bug happened for me was on someones multiplayer game on a small startup island

Did you even test this update? Terrible.

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