[Known Issue][PS4/XB1] Loss of interactions

Xb1 issue really far on the game went to an island came bk started a storm then no interaction couldn’t save could craft couldn’t eat drink or use anything at all I can see you are working on a fix but I wanted to let you know why mine was bugging out

Hopefully as it’s a week day we would get something back today from QA and the Devs will then let us know when own and Microsoft have accepted the update.

Same here my friend. I’m 40 -, played alot of games thru’ my entire life. Didn’t know how much I need a game like this one. Collecting, building, sailing on a raft, diving deep to look for sharks to kill and skin for hides (leather). Explore, explore, explore. I am a turn based RPG guy, but RTS’ like AoE2, Dune, C&C were on my plate back in the day. This game here turned me into a StrandedDeep addict and right now I’m in pain and twitching because I need my ‘fix’. And the 1st guy on the Leaderboards?! Somehow he still playing putting in days survived and staying on top with over 2300 days I believe :o But he has to be hurt too. We need everything to work again - snakes, interaction, all of it.
WE need our game back, we are waiting, we are in pain…

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It’s complicated to cross a single player game into a multi-player with the coding it takes time. As the developer you have to watch where you code for fear you’ll glitch or delete the wrong cide for other abilities

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This is hilarious. [Removed -Clare]
Your last comment is completely redundant as you also piled on hate in your two bullet points. Do you not think the devs will have thought of BOTH of those things?

All that needs said is; Its a real shame that this mistake happened and we move on - simple as that.

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Agree entirely. Im unsure what all these [Removed -Clare] expect for their £15. [Removed -Clare]

It is a bootstrapped open world game and it feels raw and thats why I love it. The update happened and a mistake was made, its no big deal. I can wait a fortnight for it to be fixed.

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Just wait guys I been waiting for years for star citizen to be bugged free lol

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I have 10 days off work at the end of November… im praying to the gods :pray:t3: the game is sorted by then :joy::joy:

heh, I put it up there with Xcom as well. One of my all time favorite turn based games. :slightly_smiling_face: Note: I forgot about Dune back in the day, Also a wonderful game. They should bring it back like they did the AOE games.

@Clare you got any info for today or not, if nothing that’s fine I can wait like a good boy, it’s just I have plat all my games and I would love to plat this one and have fun with friends.


I suspect they are eager to tell us when… However, right now it may be completely in the hands of your console provider. I was telling people about that extra wait time when this first started.

Nothing yet, last I heard the QA were still runing tests to verify the fix. I imagine the next big update I recieve (and of course pass on to the community as soon as I do) will be when the patches are submitted to Sony and Microsoft for review.


You’ve gotta be the most mellow and understanding admin I ever seen in an online forum. KUDOS


Thanks for the kind words and support :slight_smile:

@Clare Hi Clare. I have a technical background and was wondering if you could tell me what specifically about the update caused the bug. Was it something to do with the multiplayer implementation itself or another patch/fix that came with the update? If you don’t know should I ask @Sam ? I’m just curious about the inner workings this bug stems from. By the way, I have to commend you guys on keeping the players updated and explaining everything. The team really shows they care when you reach out like this. I’ve also got to give you props for putting up with some of the B.S. from people on here who are complaining and don’t understand what goes into making updates/patches. Thanks for keeping us in the loop.

From the sound of it the game engine seems to calculate entity location based off of the lowest generated entity, so something glitching through the ground mesh is throwing that off :wink:
Not sure why they would do it that way but it’s probably built I to whatever system they are using to build it

Hi BeesAreFun, welcome to the forums,

I don’t have too much insight into the technical behind the scenes stuff (and I know Sam is super busy so you might not get a response from him) but from what I do know is that the issue can be caused by creatures or objects falling through the terrain. After items have fallen through the issue is triggered. The most freqent of these are the Snakes and Boars but it can happen with other objects too. Players mentioning the snakes being missing from islands, and others reporting items falling through the world is what helped lead the team to what was causing the issue. The issue itself can happen in both Single Player and Multiplayer games and is not tied to the multiplayer section of the game.

Dear BeamTeam, I love your game. But it is outrageous that it has been unplayable for 2 weeks due to the interaction error. After all, the bug came into the game with one of your updates. So you have to fix it as soon as possible.

Ya know I play Train Sim World. In their last update it for some reason turned all the flashing red lights at the end of the rout into cars. In the words of the Devs How the heck were they supposed to expect such an issue. Guess what…It took a minute to fix, Also had to wait on consoles to certify the fix to be submitted. Took quite a while before it was finally corrected. Look if people want software changes they need to realize it creates issues that need corrected after the problem becomes a problem. Triple A game… You get hammered with micro transactions for silly skins in it. This game isn’t bad at all for 15 or 20 bucks. Careful what you ask for. You can spend 20 bucks in TSW just wanting to change a color of an engine.

I started a new save with everything turned off. Day 18 so far and have visited multiple islands, granted game play is a little tougher with limited ways to get some items but no interaction bug of any sorts yet.