[Known Issue][PS4/XB1] Loss of interactions

Before people start losing their minds over this, we are taking about two person team here. And it’s truly laughable to believe they could test a bug that might not present itself for many days or even ever. Also certification for console patches can take a week or more. So Sony or MS won’t simply let them roll back or fix the problem within days. This is especially so with multiplayer components.

It was also made clear a day ago that they have found the problem and are working in it, so to claim they’ve said nothing is untrue.

“I’m happy to say that the team believe they may have found the cause of the interactions issue and are now working to resolve it. It is believed to be, in part, related to another issue on missing snakes reported by a number of you.”

Anyway, I’m on my 18th day, so I expect other 5 days before my save glitches. That would be two saves where I didn’t move away from my starter island.

Night of Day 8, I lost interactions. Last save was night of Day 7 and went to sleep. I stayed on my lush island (not starter isle) and hunted a shark, drank from water, smoked some food. Waited for night and on 1835, I lost interaction. I did visit a cliff island on day 3, if that really does trigger the event. I reloaded the same file, waited for the exact time and was standing on my raft when my feet fell through the floor of the raft and was now standing on the buoys.

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Hahahaaa. I haven’t tried to fall through the raft. Good 1.

@ballisticola im sorry but i have all rights not to be happy.2 weeks ago i payed 25$ for a game that is BROKEN.NON PLAYABLE. Now i dont give 2 crap about the 25$.The problem is that its not just broken.They let you play just a couple hours, just enough to get hooked and love this game.Then they take it away.Thats just like feeding crack to someone,1 rock at a time untill he gets addicted.Then you take it away from him and tell him he cant have crack no more.
But seriously all hates aside. The reason im so butthurt its cuz i miss this game.I miss this game sooo much.Even with all that as happend this is still in my top 10 favorite games ever.And seriously(when this game is playable)it would be well worth 60$.And i think thats 1 of the biggest problem.If they would of charged 60$ for this game,they would of had a bigger budget to fix or prevent problems like this.

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Who says you don’t have a right to be unhappy? And it’s not like they did this on purpose. I’d agree fully if this was a months old bug, but this only started happening a week ago. 5 working days to isolate, fix, certify and release a patch? That’s a stretch for most devs.

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it all worked. Hurrah!! Before starting the game, I removed the animals, went into the game, there was an interaction, then I returned everything in the options and it works !!!

start the game 2. in the main menu in the settings, remove wild animals 3. go into the game, the interaction works 4. save the game. 5. open options and return animals. 6.Go back to the game and save 7.Play for fun

I just tried a solo run through with animals removed. I got up to day 8 today and the glitch happened again.

What I did differently than other tries (usually see issue around day 12 or so) was that I cleaned up all the islands I visited. I was like a locust leaving almost nothing behind.

I’m now wondering if there is a correlation between the number of lifetime objects in the world and the glitch. If a tree counts as 1 object and I’m chopping it down and turning it into plank raft floors, I’m creating 2-6 new objects to cut down, 1-5 new objects for planks, etc.

Just a thought…

This unfortunately doesn’t work for me. My bug seems to happen at the same time in game, regardless of what I do.

I always remember something that’s been said several times in here regarding the fish during storms. I noticed this as well and then docked during the storm on my island. A few hours later the bug showed up. Was wondering, if anyone has a save file where they can sit in the storm and not go back to land, essentially waiting for the waters and fish to go back down to their respective hit box locations. And then continue on as normal to see if the bug still persists within your game.

I mean, we’re all bored AF anyway right? :rofl:

I got another update maybe its the fix

Just saw a new 1.09 update for PS4. It still has 2071 as the build number/version. I tried loading a save game with the glitch and it’s still happening.

I also have this issue with glitched islands that have loss of interactions. The cause of the bug was introduced with the massive version 1.08 patch. I just downloaded the 1.09 patch and tested my save game. The bug is still present. I would very much like to play version 1.07 until this is resolved. Apparently version 1.09 is only QoL updates. I think QoL updates can wait until you resolve this awful game breaker, no? Respectfully, can you plase rollback your update so I can play, I actually really like the game, which is why this bug is so painful. Thanks for reading my dilemma.

Maybe they had to run a QoL update to set the building blocks for a patch. :metal::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Also, started a new game and found WOOD PILES have been added. Right? Never seen em before at least. AWESOME!

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Never mind. It turns out there are different numbers for Europe. Why the US have had two patches with the same notes is confusing.

The update only deleted all my saves. The bug is still there.

On ps4 played in coop for about 5 in game days. After visit to 3rd island we returned and interactions were buggy. Have zero interaction with water still collection hitbox. We can still activate the palm frawn part with a crouch and specific spot. No water though so it has ruined our coop file. I played this game solo last year and beat it im a huge fan and convinced my buddy to play with me. Im really really unhappy with this bug since it has literally stopped us from playing.

Please fix this immediately

No fixes ive read here have done anything.

Hmmm… I think I’m not updating anything in this game until a fix is confirmed.

I have tons of hours in a few saves. Wow that would ■■■■ to lose.

Bought this game and I have seen the same issues both in coop and single player. I create my base on starting island, I venture out collecting items return to base and everything on the island is not accessible. Seems to happen by day 6. Little frustrated now that I decided to play in single player and after getting a great start it fails. My saved game is before it crashes, daytime. Noticed while on another island of my first island hop things were not accessible in certain parts of island. As I made my way to two other islands in search of my own things were working. Upon finally finding my base and needing water I come to everything not accessible. Along with losing all I had just procured on my hop. Not sure if anyone else is having issues like this in a normal single player or not. Using Xbox for gameplay.

Awesome game, worth waiting for the fix on this issue. I can confirm the suggested workaround has worked for me but the issue occurred again couple hours after. Will retry the workaround this evening and hopefully carry on for now.

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Same here. Wildlife on/off - fix works only for a few in-game hours. In addition you habe to move from island to island when it occurs.