Hantacore's mods unique thread (Map, Music, tweaks...)

Greetings everyone

Since i’m mostly active on the Steam forums, I would still like to give you access to my mods for Stranded Deep. They are mostly published on Nexusmods and your feedback is very appreciated.
They should work on either PC Windows version (sorry Linux fellas, i’m not sure UMM works on Linux).

InGame Map Mod for UMM
Quite basic map of the atoll, accessible with several options :

Custom Music Mod for UMM
Allows the user to play custom music instead of the original ones (mostly made for a contact in Steam who wanted the Jaws music for sharks)

How to install the UMM mods

Download and install Unity Mod Manager :

Install the hook on Stranded Deep, select the “Assembly” method.

Drag & drop the mods zip into UMM. You should see the dll inside a “Mods” directory in the Stranded Deep installation Folder.

If everything worked fine, you should see the mod appear at startup like this :

All-In One Tool for Stranded Deep
An external application which has several purposes

  • Map drawing : basically draws the world based on your savegame
  • World Randomizer : uses existing cartographer data and custom islands to generate a completely random world, with island density option
  • Mapmaking tool : makes the mapmaker’s life easier, or tries to ^^

More are to come every sometimes, whenever I have an idea or an inspiration.
I also have some custom islands done, but my mapmaker friends are the real MVPs on that matter, take a look at their work.

And for anyone interested, I wrote a full guide on how to mod with UMM for Stranded Deep :

Happy modding !


I can’t edit my post anymore, is this some kind of bug, or am I doing something wrong ? :thinking:

Hi Hantacore,

Haven’t run into this one before but it does appear as though there is a window of 24 minutes from the initial post during which you can edit.
Do you have a lot more to add here?
I would suggest additional posts, though if need be I can insert some extra links to the OP for you as a one off (won’t be able to do that on demand though, would get messy eventually).

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Hi there, thank you for your answer !

Actually, I was hoping to maintain an updated list of my mods in the same post, for readability and reference. It’s really a bummer we can’t do that… Would that be negotiable ? E.g. allow the users to update their post forever (like in Steam discussions) ?

Have a great day

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There are limits set based on your time/activity on the forums so as you post more your window should grow to a maximum of 12 hours.
I’ll pass your request to the rest of the forum team.

That is really a handy tool. Thanks for creating it!

I am using Linux (different distros), so created a script that just have to be place in the same folder. Then execute it to prepare the prefix and execute the program. Everything related to this tool will stay in the same folder.

If anyone is interested, here is the script:

##Copyright © 2021 Max Megavolt <max.megavolt@posteo.de>
##This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
##terms of the Do What The ■■■■ You Want To Public License, Version 2,
##as published by Sam Hocevar. See http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details.

#Install Ubuntu/Debian requirements:
#sudo apt install wine winetricks
#Install Manjaro/Archlinux requirements:
#sudo pacman -Syu wine winetricks


export WINEPREFIX=${PWD}/prefix
export WINE=$(which wine)
export WINEBOOT=$(which wineboot)
export WINETRICKS=$(which winetricks)
export XDG_CACHE_HOME=${PWD}/cache

export yellow="\e[1;33m"
export red="\e[1;31m"
export green="\e[1;32m"
export reset="\e[0m"

# Only run if the exe of the tool is present
if [ -f ./StrandedDeepTools.exe ]; then
	# Prepare the Wineprefix if not exist
	if [ ! -d $WINEPREFIX ]
		echo -e "$green[INFO]$reset Preparing prefix"
		# Create the wineprefix and boot it up
		if [ -n $WINEBOOT ]
			[ ! -d $WINEPREFIX ] && mkdir -pv $WINEPREFIX
			echo -e "$red[FAILED]$reset Please install wine"
			exit 1
		# Install Microsoft Framework 4.0 inside the wineprefix
		if [ -n $WINETRICKS ]
			[ ! -d $XDG_CACHE_HOME ] && mkdir -pv $XDG_CACHE_HOME
			winetricks dotnet40
			echo -e "$red[FAILED]$reset Please install winetricks"
			exit 1
		echo -e "${yellow}[WARNING]${reset} Prefix already there. Skipping."
	if [ ! -h "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/users/$USER/AppData/LocalLow/Beam Team Games" ]
		# Create a symlink of the linux path of the Stranded Deep Profiles inside the wineprefix
		echo -e "$green[WORKAROUND]$reset Creating a Symlink of Stranded Deep Savegame"
		ln -srfv "$HOME/.config/unity3d/Beam Team Games/" \
			"$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/users/$USER/AppData/LocalLow/Beam Team Games"
	elif [ -h "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/users/$USER/AppData/LocalLow/Beam Team Games" ]
		echo -e "$green[INFO]$reset Symlink  exists already. Skipping."
		echo -e "$green[INFO]$reset Symlink: $WINEPREFIX/drive_c/users/$USER/AppData/LocalLow/Beam Team Games"
	STEAMAPPS=$(find $HOME -name steamapps -type d | head -1)
	if [ -z $STEAMAPPS ]
		echo -e "${yellow}[WARNING]${reset} Steam seems not to be installed. Skipping."
	elif [ -n $STEAMAPPS ]
		# Create a symlink of the linux path of steamapps inside the wineprefix
		echo -e "$green[INFO]$reset Found the steamapps directory here: $STEAMAPPS"
		echo -e "$green[INFO]$reset Symlink: $STEAMAPPS"
		[ ! -d "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Steam" ] && mkdir -pv "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Steam"
		ln -srfv "$STEAMAPPS/" "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps"
	# Start the All-In One Tool for Stranded Deep
	echo -e "$green[INFO]$reset Try running StrandedDeepTools"
	wine StrandedDeepTools.exe

	echo -e "${yellow}[WARNING]${reset} The file \"StrandedDeepTools.exe\" is not in the same folder as the script."
	echo -e "$green[INFO]$reset Please place the script inside the folder of StrandedDeepTools and run it there."


Have FUN :wink:

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Yeah ! Now that’s what we need !

Can I put this script as an optional download on Nexus next to the app ?
What are the prerequisites ?

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Hello @Hantacore

I changed the code a bit and added some comments for better understanding.

Yes, sure…

In general:

These can be normally installed with the package manager of the Distribution. Anything else in the script are core tools, which are available in any Linux Distribution.

Since i can’t edit my post, here are my last published mods :

Stranded Deep RPG mod for UMM
A new framework for mapmakers to add text on some objects, that can be seen by players ingame if they have the mod too.

Stranded Deep Tweaks for UMM
Some tweaking of game values, if needed.

Stranded Deep Wet and Cold mod for UMM
Adds a new “wet”, “cold” and “sick” mechanism to the game, making shelters and warming up senseful

2K Mod WIP showcase

Hi guys,
I’m working on a 2K retexture of the game, and wanted to share some WIP screenshots with you
Feel free to comment


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First release of the retexture project

The Ingame Map mod has been updated, bugfix + player icon size option

If you like the mods, do not hesitate to give some feedback, this thread seems pretty dead

Hi, I love your all-in-one tool, but a lot of workshop islands seem to fail to load. I have almost two hundred of them, but it only shows about fifty. Do you know why this might be?

Either a bug or a version that’s too old to load, would you mind giving me a link to an island that does not load so I can check ?
Which screen does not work ? Randomizer or Mapmaker ?

My apologies, the randomizer. I like to have a lot of options, so I downloaded a ton of maps. Here are some of the more recent ones:

Steam Community :: Error (Oasis of Tranquility)
Steam Community :: Error (Fitzall Island)
Steam Community :: Error (Copper Curves)
Steam Community :: Error (WelnorP7)
Steam Community :: Error (Shrimp Island)

EDIT: I’m glad I included the workshop names!

I downloaded the Oasis of Tranquility from both Nexus and the Workshop, and it seems to load just fine, are you sure your maps are not too old ?
Do you have the latest version of the tool (0.8) ?

I have 0.8 of the tool, and I downloaded the map recently (I didn’t even own the game when the map was last updated.) Thanks for checking into it, though, I appreciate it!

No problem really
Could you give me a name of a map that apparently does not load on your side ?
Maybe the path for your steam library, and hence the workshop, is a bit exotic and does not work ?

Can you give me that tool ?