Hantacore's mods unique thread (Map, Music, tweaks...)

It’s available on Nexusmods if you need it :slight_smile:

Map mod updated for 0.90.X

Hello @Hantacore :wink:

I see you added this here: How to make the tool work on Linux (thanks to megavolt) at Stranded Deep Nexus - Mods and community

But well, it is a dotnet application. Why not publish a Linux Version? I would always prefer a native application.

Here, I tried it myself:

$ dotnet StrandedDeepTools.exe 
Cannot use file stream for [/home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/StrandedDeepTools.deps.json]: No such file or directory
A fatal error was encountered. The library 'libhostpolicy.so' required to execute the application was not found in '/home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/'.
Failed to run as a self-contained app.
  - The application was run as a self-contained app because '/home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/StrandedDeepTools.runtimeconfig.json' was not found.
  - If this should be a framework-dependent app, add the '/home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/StrandedDeepTools.runtimeconfig.json' file and specify the appropriate framework.
$ COREHOST_TRACE=1 dotnet StrandedDeepTools.exe 
Tracing enabled @ Mon Feb  7 17:05:07 2022 GMT
--- Invoked dotnet [version: 6.0.1, commit hash: 3a25a7f1cc446b60678ed25c9d829420d6321eba] main = {
Reading fx resolver directory=[/usr/share/dotnet/host/fxr]
Considering fxr version=[6.0.1]...
Considering fxr version=[5.0.13]...
Detected latest fxr version=[/usr/share/dotnet/host/fxr/6.0.1]...
Resolved fxr [/usr/share/dotnet/host/fxr/6.0.1/libhostfxr.so]...
Invoking fx resolver [/usr/share/dotnet/host/fxr/6.0.1/libhostfxr.so] hostfxr_main_startupinfo
Host path: [/usr/share/dotnet/dotnet]
Dotnet path: [/usr/share/dotnet/]
App path: [/usr/share/dotnet/dotnet.dll]
Tracing enabled @ Mon Feb  7 17:05:07 2022 GMT
--- Invoked hostfxr_main_startupinfo [commit hash: 3a25a7f1cc446b60678ed25c9d829420d6321eba]
Checking if CoreCLR path exists=[/usr/share/dotnet/libcoreclr.so]
--- Executing in muxer mode...
Using the provided arguments to determine the application to execute.
Using dotnet root path [/usr/share/dotnet/]
App runtimeconfig.json from [/home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/StrandedDeepTools.exe]
Runtime config is cfg=/home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/StrandedDeepTools.runtimeconfig.json dev=/home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/StrandedDeepTools.runtimeconfig.dev.json
Attempting to read runtime config: /home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/StrandedDeepTools.runtimeconfig.json
Attempting to read dev runtime config: /home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/StrandedDeepTools.runtimeconfig.dev.json
Runtime config [/home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/StrandedDeepTools.runtimeconfig.json] is valid=[1]
Executing as a self-contained app as per config file [/home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/StrandedDeepTools.runtimeconfig.json]
--- Resolving libhostpolicy.so version from deps json [/home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/StrandedDeepTools.deps.json]
Cannot use file stream for [/home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/StrandedDeepTools.deps.json]: No such file or directory
The expected libhostpolicy.so directory is [/home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/]
The libhostpolicy.so was not found in [/home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/]
A fatal error was encountered. The library 'libhostpolicy.so' required to execute the application was not found in '/home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/'.
Failed to run as a self-contained app.
  - The application was run as a self-contained app because '/home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/StrandedDeepTools.runtimeconfig.json' was not found.
  - If this should be a framework-dependent app, add the '/home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/StrandedDeepTools.runtimeconfig.json' file and specify the appropriate framework.

It seems, that some libs are needed, so I copied it:

cp /usr/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/6.0.1/libhostpolicy.so .

Then run it again with trace:

$ COREHOST_TRACE=1 dotnet StrandedDeepTools.exe 
Tracing enabled @ Mon Feb  7 16:56:32 2022 GMT
--- Invoked dotnet [version: 6.0.1, commit hash: 3a25a7f1cc446b60678ed25c9d829420d6321eba] main = {
Reading fx resolver directory=[/usr/share/dotnet/host/fxr]
Considering fxr version=[6.0.1]...
Detected latest fxr version=[/usr/share/dotnet/host/fxr/6.0.1]...
Resolved fxr [/usr/share/dotnet/host/fxr/6.0.1/libhostfxr.so]...
Invoking fx resolver [/usr/share/dotnet/host/fxr/6.0.1/libhostfxr.so] hostfxr_main_startupinfo
Host path: [/usr/share/dotnet/dotnet]
Dotnet path: [/usr/share/dotnet/]
App path: [/usr/share/dotnet/dotnet.dll]
Tracing enabled @ Mon Feb  7 16:56:32 2022 GMT
--- Invoked hostfxr_main_startupinfo [commit hash: 3a25a7f1cc446b60678ed25c9d829420d6321eba]
Checking if CoreCLR path exists=[/usr/share/dotnet/libcoreclr.so]
--- Executing in muxer mode...
Using the provided arguments to determine the application to execute.
Using dotnet root path [/usr/share/dotnet/]
App runtimeconfig.json from [/home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/StrandedDeepTools.exe]
Runtime config is cfg=/home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/StrandedDeepTools.runtimeconfig.json dev=/home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/StrandedDeepTools.runtimeconfig.dev.json
Attempting to read runtime config: /home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/StrandedDeepTools.runtimeconfig.json
Attempting to read dev runtime config: /home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/StrandedDeepTools.runtimeconfig.dev.json
Runtime config [/home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/StrandedDeepTools.runtimeconfig.json] is valid=[1]
Executing as a self-contained app as per config file [/home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/StrandedDeepTools.runtimeconfig.json]
--- Resolving libhostpolicy.so version from deps json [/home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/StrandedDeepTools.deps.json]
Cannot use file stream for [/home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/StrandedDeepTools.deps.json]: No such file or directory
The expected libhostpolicy.so directory is [/home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/]
Tracing enabled @ Mon Feb  7 16:56:32 2022 GMT
Reading from host interface version: [0x16041101:248] to initialize policy version: [0x16041101:248]
--- Invoked hostpolicy [commit hash: 3a25a7f1cc446b60678ed25c9d829420d6321eba] [runtime.linux-x64.Microsoft.NETCore.DotNetHostPolicy,6.0.1,runtimes/linux-x64/native][x64] corehost_main = {
Mode: muxer
Deps file: 
Directory core servicing at [] was not specified or found
Fallback directory core servicing at [opt/coreservicing] was not found
-- arguments_t: host_path='/usr/share/dotnet/dotnet' app_root='/home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/' deps='/home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/StrandedDeepTools.deps.json' core_svc='' mgd_app='/home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/StrandedDeepTools.exe'
-- arguments_t: dotnet shared store: ''
Using /home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/StrandedDeepTools.deps.json deps file
Could not locate the dependencies manifest file [/home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/StrandedDeepTools.deps.json]. Some libraries may fail to resolve.
-- Listing probe configurations...
probe_config_t: probe=[] deps-dir-probe=[1]
Adding tpa entry: /home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/StrandedDeepTools.exe, AssemblyVersion: , FileVersion: 
Adding files from local dir /home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/
Adding Magick.NET-Q16-AnyCPU to local assembly set from /home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/Magick.NET-Q16-AnyCPU.dll
Adding tpa entry: /home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/Magick.NET-Q16-AnyCPU.dll, AssemblyVersion: , FileVersion: 
Adding Magick.NET.Core to local assembly set from /home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/Magick.NET.Core.dll
Adding tpa entry: /home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/Magick.NET.Core.dll, AssemblyVersion: , FileVersion: 
Adding Newtonsoft.Json to local assembly set from /home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/Newtonsoft.Json.dll
Adding tpa entry: /home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/Newtonsoft.Json.dll, AssemblyVersion: , FileVersion: 
Skipping StrandedDeepTools.exe because the StrandedDeepTools.exe already exists in local assemblies
Adding to native path: /home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/
Adding to resources path: /home/user/Downloads/Stranded Deep Mapper All-In-One tool-161-0-8-1633283451/
Could not resolve CoreCLR path. For more details, enable tracing by setting COREHOST_TRACE environment variable to 1

Could you make it workable? It seems it should work, but it needs a json file…

Thanks for advance :slight_smile:

I have no idea as how to make it work for Linux, but here are a few things that might help :

  • it’s a windows forms app, compiled for .net 4.0 desktop (not client profile)
  • it uses a wpf container (the mapper is WPF)
  • it uses Microsoft.Win32 at some point to read registry values (for steam autodetection)
  • it uses Newtonsoft.Json

So with my little knowledge of how .net core works, I’m not very confident it might work, but hey, who knows ?

oh well… I googled a bit and WPF is and will not be cross-plattform. However… there are other frameworks like: Avalonia UI

I believe (and I believe others too), it would be good thing that tools are cross-platform. Since dotnet is available for linux and you prefer to code in C#, I would greatly encourage you to use a cross-plattform UI. And since Stranded Deep works also on Windows, Mac, Linux, it should be worth to think about that. Thank you for reading :slight_smile:

Previews of the next 2K release

Stay tuned :slight_smile:


I tried the mod and first thing I saw is the cotton… man that looks pretty darn good and more realistic :slight_smile:

But well the little “bush hills” on the island are bit naked… Sure you can see better the fibrous leaves on them, but you can also see the ground (I guess that was not the intention):

Here’s the latest WIP, the bushes are a mess, Nothing looks really good without changing the mesh

1 Like

Hello, your mods are awesome Hentacore, great that there is someone that want to mod SD. Keep doing great work man, we apreciate it! :slight_smile:

Regarding mods, is there any way, that you could make a mod that change/remove collisions when building?
Right now we cant place foundation that will stick into that bushes from screenshot above.
Looks like, I also can’t place 2nd foundation on different level if I have another foundation build close by.

It would be super cool if we could also place farming plots on foundations.

hey there
is there any way, that you could make a mod that change/remove collisions when building? → maybe, i have not tried that yet, but it might be feasible
place farming plots on foundations → this would be very difficult to do, the snapping mecanism is complex

for now i’m trying to finish the 2K release :slight_smile:

I’m currently lacking time to finish the 2K textures, but I nevertheless have a very playable version.
Is anyone interested in a release ? The forums look pretty dead to me :’(

1 Like

Here you go

A new version of the Map mod has been released with bugfixes and a new option to hide the players’ positions

A new version of the Tweaks mod has been released with bugfixes and a new feature : you can now see the distance to other islands through the spyglass, if you want to make paper maps with the compass (and not use the map mod, for hardcore players)

Presenting our first playable version of the Stranded Wide mod for #strandeddeep This is only the 0.1 beta version, check out our roadmap to see what we’re working on next while you sail around our expanded world!

Stranded Deep LOD mod : improved graphics

Amazing work Hantacore !

1 Like

Stranded Deep Raft Structures mod : build some structures on rafts

Have fun !

1 Like

An amazing feature! Can’t wait to go nomad!

Latest mod : an alternative endgame

This is an ACTUAL game changer!
Plus the raft structures mod. I feel like Tom Hanks. haha