The Isle of Arcadia (PS4, Solo, Normal Mode, Custom Island)

My first playthrough. Wollie and I are finally ready to jump on the plane and head out. Not to escape and be saved though. We are going to do a promotional tour for Wollie’s luxury resort getaway package. Wollie says we are going to be rich.


Incredible! Well done


Awesome! Good job!!! I wish there was a way to share this with the club on Xbox Live!

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Amazing! 10/10 would sign up for the luxury getaway (So long as the plane ride to and from isn’t too bumpy…)

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This is some video of me running/flying around.


Thanks for sharing, that was fun to watch. While I love the building the biggest take away for me was seeing you had labeled your sails forward and reverse! Genius

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Had to share since hubby finally got to see this (he hates watching things on my phone). Your video is in the ps4 trending!!


Nice! I didn’t even know I was posting stuff to the PS side of things when I was uploading the video to youtube, until I got a few ‘Users have reacted to your video’ pop ups while playing.

I took a break from the game for a bit, but the last few days I’ve been working on my new island in multiplayer here and there. ‘Catlinite Cay’

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Slowly making progress on my multiplayer build. I like the idea of when its all done, just opening the game to public so random people spawn into a big palace. :rofl:


I’m in awe of how much time and dedication a lot of you are in the game. I definitely need to create something in my game too. I checked my Xbox stats in the museum, and look at the last game.


Awesome job! Love the overall design, one of the best I’ve seen.

Woohoo! Nice one @LordRavenBlack and good catch @Wistariagold.

Looking forward to seeing progress on your multiplayer build LordRavenBlack, those foundations look very cool already :slight_smile: