[Switch] Game closing

Hola buenas os hacabo de enviar en el apartado de contactos un mensaje diciendo que cuando estas jugando cuando pasa x tiempo pues resulta que se sale el juego osea que se cierra y ayer y hoy jugando se me a quedado un par de veces el juego congelado ni salia sonido del juego ni se movia el muñeco y esperando 30 minutos y nada tube que cerrar la aplicacion de nintendo swich y volver abrir el juego otra cosa en ps5 ni en nintendo swich no sale igual que en el ordenador por que me enseñaron cosas que no salen en las otras plataformas aparte hay una imagen en la pagina web de vosotros donde sale un par de tiburones atacando y a mi solo me persigue por cada zona 1 nada mas pero bueno no pasa nada y por cierto la valsa se buguea y sale enganchado el ancla en sitios y la valsa volando por los aires y muchas veces parece que el tiburon a empujado la valsa dandole la vuelta
y no veas por que nadando para darle la vuelta y la musica suena pero no se ve el tiburon vamos es como si hubiera chocado con algo y pensando en pleno mar con que e chocado.

No se donde poner ni escribir en los foros por que entre en el apartado de actualizaciones y no me dejaba escribir otra cosa esto es en Nintendo switch

[Translation added by Clare using Google Translate]

Hello, good morning, I just sent you a message in the contacts section saying that when you are playing when x time passes, it turns out that the game exits, that is, it closes and yesterday and today while playing, the game has frozen a couple of times or The sound of the game came out and the doll didn’t move and I waited 30 minutes and nothing. I had to close the Nintendo Switch application and open the game again.

Something else on PS5 or Nintendo Switch doesn’t come out the same as on the computer because they taught me things that weren’t. They appear on the other platforms apart there is an image on your website where a couple of sharks attacking appear and they only chase me through each zone 1 nothing more but well nothing happens and by the way the waltz bugs and the anchor comes out hooked in places and the waltz flying through the air and many times it seems that the shark has pushed the waltz upside down and you don’t see why swimming to turn it around and the music plays but you can’t see the shark come on it’s as if she had collided with something and thinking in the middle of the sea what she collided with.

I don’t know where to put or write in the forums because it entered the updates section and it wouldn’t let me write anything else this is on Nintendo switch

Hi Joseantonio, welcome to the forums,

I moved your post to a new topic as it was posted in an unrelated thread and also contains issue reports. This will help me to address your issues and questions directly too.

I also added a translation to your post. As all of our Moderators and Staff are English speakers, we ask users to post in English or if preferred include a 1:1 English translation alongside the original message within their post using an online translator such as google translate. This helps us to run the forums more effectively and is included in our Rules and Guidelines - Stranded Deep

Regarding each of the things you mentioned, I’m going to address each below. If I miss anything, please let me know.

Game closing / crashing

Thank you for reporting this, please let me know…

  • How long are you playing for before the game crashes?

  • Does it occur when saving the game or is it happening during regular gameplay?

  • Have you noticed any common actions that occur when this crash happens? for example: traveling to different islands, crafting, etc

  • Does it occur on the island where you have your base? If so, please describe your base, items you have on the island and what you use for storage?

  • Do you use the piles to store items? If so, is everything in piles or are the loose items on your island also?

  • If you have built a raft, please describe it, including its size and how many crates are on it.

  • What day are you on in the game?

  • Please also confirm for me what version of the game you’re playing on the Switch. This number should be in the bottom left of the main menu.

Different versions

There are differences between the PC, PlayStations/Xbox and Switch versions.

For example: The PC version has a bigger map, and also has a different island creator as well as being frequently mods by players. PC and PS/Xbox also have a multiplayer option where another player can join your game - the Switch version is single player only. This is why the images for the PC and PS/Xbox version have two characters in the image, however the Nintendo eStore only has one character in the game image.

Issues with the raft

  • When you drop your anchor and the raft moves / flies in the air, has your anchor hit something below it or is this out in the middle of the ocean?

  • Because zones load and unload as you cross over the middle of the ocean between two islands, this could be the reason for the shark not following you. They may not be leaving their zone. I will need to check this with the team that worked on the Switch version, but the shark not following is possibly intended - however I do understand this may not look great in game if the shark appears to be stuck in the water. I will ask the team to look into this.

I think I have responded to everything, but if there was something I missed, or anything I misunderstood please let me know and I will do my best to assist further. I understand the issues in the game can be frustrating and any additional information you can provide, particularly about your game crashing, would also be very helpful to know and I can pass it onto the team working on the Nintendo Switch version and may also help me to suggest some workarounds.

Thank you.