The Castaway easter egg is great and I’d love to see others in the game.

Here are some suggestions

On an island you’ll find two skeletons one wearing a skippers hat and the other wearing a sailor’s hat (Gilligan’s Island)

If you dive down deep you’ll find a Rock an Easter Island Head and a Pineapple lined up (SpongeBob SquarePants).

You see an old wrecked ship with a bunch of swordfish carcasses, on the side of the ship is the name Andrea Gail (Perfect Storm), points if you can only find the wreck during a storm.

One of the Loading Screen Tips could be “You’re gonna need a bigger boat” (Jaws).


Let them start with a proper story mode first, please. The game ending feels cheap and dumb. And if you look on YT it is considered one of the worst game endings by various content creators. I shouldn’t be proud on that as game developer…

Or just remove that aspect from the game and focus on crafting etc.

The lack of an extensive storyline can be considered a disadvantage. It is an advantage for me. Because I can decide for myself what, when and how I do. Or I do nothing.

After all, the main plot in Stranded Deep is: Stay Alive!

Or Stay Alive! And the plane …

But your proposal is interesting.

Maybe adding other challenges than just boss fighting would be good. Finding the remains of other survivors could involve additional tasks to be performed (reward: lighter :heart_eyes:).

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I wish they hadn’t removed the other rare items, like the package. I love being able to display these one of a kind items in my build.