Raft Construction

Can we please have a patch that allows you to deconstruct your raft in its entirety.

I’ve removed the floors, the canopies, the rudder, the anchor and engine - but still it won’t let me retrieve the raft base.

I have ended up building a raft that is too big and unwieldy to traverse between islands and wanted to start again but smarter; rather than losing all those special loot (buoys, tires and barrels) I would like to recycle them.

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SERIOUSLY!! Completely absurd that the bases can’t be broken down.

I don’t know what you are considering as “too big” … but to my experience such a term does not exist for the raft.

If you know how to steer a huge raft correctly, then size does not matter. The key point ist, that you should forget the rudder. Also you should forget about terms like front, rear, starboard (right), port (left) …

Instead you should build 4 sails, facing into 4 different directions, more or less close together. For building the sails I had to remove some storage container racks, because some of the sails didn’t want to get built.

Currently my raft is 7x7. And I don’t have any issue with steering. I steer by setting 1 or 2 sails. And I use the rudder only for fine tuning. For example this is the middle part of my raft.

|       | SAIL↑ |       |
|       |       |       |
|       |       |       |
| ←SAIL |       | SAIL→ |
|       |       |       |
|       |       |       |
|       | SAIL↓ |       |

You can probably do it better, but this is what my raft developed into and it works for me.

But I agree with you. You should also be able to break down any raft.