[PS4][2033]Shipping Container Doors

Opening doors again and again and again, every single container.

Please see video

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Yes, I made a post about Red containers in the bug reports section. Though I didn’t mention the opening of the doors multiple times. I have this same bug as well.

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Hi Lothaer,

This is an issue the team are aware of but thank you for sharing this video, I shall add this to my report for this team.

As this was posted in the suggestions section, I’ve moved it to the bug reports section. The posts from both yourself and Wollysbroth have reminded me to put a known issues post for this up.

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Slight update - I hadn’t seen your other post when I move this one so to save on duplicates I’ll remove the other one.

In future, if you need to move a post you can do you by editing your post and reselecting the forum section or leave it when it is but let me know you’d like it moved and I’d be happy to oblige :slight_smile:

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@Clare , can the dev team confirm if this has the same root cause as the other known issue about the infinite / multiple harvest glitch?

I don’t see behind the scenes much but I’ll see if I can find out more details for you. It’s highly possible as the same steps seem to work for both plants and containers in saves as Lothaer’s comments in the infinite harvest report mentioned and I have linked both reports together for the team because of this.