Online multiplayer

this is when you put online multiplayer in pc game ?

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Thanks for the question.
As per the Console FAQ:

What about multiplayer?

Unfortunately we can’t go into details about this, but any announcements for the game will be made in the News and Announcements section first, as well as on our Facebook and Twitter profiles.

The status of this issue is the same on both PC and Console platforms.
Watch the PC News and Announcements section for potential updates.

Creo que deberían plantearse poner un modo multijugador decente. Poner una pantalla dividida a día de hoy en un estilo de juego como este… en fin, es bastante pobre, sobretodo para pc porque la mayoría de jugadores de pc tienen su propio pc es bastante extraño que alguien comparta pc a diferencia de consola que si que pueden haber personas que jueguen a dos mandos. Bueno el caso es que lo que es aceptable en consola no lo es para nada en PC es absurdo pretender que los jugadores de pc vayan a la casa del otro solo para jugar a un juego. Hay bastantes ejemplos del género que han implementado multijugador en PC todos siendo un éxito por haber hecho bien las cosas ■■■ el tema. Creo que bastante gente se lo hubiera comprado en su día si le hubieran puesto multiplayer on line entre ellos bastantes amigos míos. Si quieren que tenga repercusión aprovechando ahora que está gratis en Epic Games deberían plantearse implementar el online co-op puede que así den un boom.


I think they should consider putting in a decent multiplayer mode. Putting a split screen nowadays in a game style like this … anyway, it’s quite poor, especially for PC because most PC players have their own PC, it is quite strange that someone shares PC unlike console that if that there may be people who play two controls. Well, the fact is that what is acceptable on the console is not acceptable at all on PC. It is absurd to pretend that PC players go to each other’s house just to play a game. There are quite a few examples of the genre that have implemented multiplayer on PC, all of them being a success for having done the right ■■■ thing. I think that a lot of people would have bought it for them in their day if they had put multiplayer online among them enough of my friends. If they want it to have an impact, taking advantage of now that it is free at Epic Games, they should consider implementing the online co-op, they may give a boom.

how can u play with friends in coop mode

Hi nuhazet66,

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Hi GhostCraft,

To play local co-op mode on PC start a new game and set the mode to cooperative.

thank u, but my friend cant join the game form home what can i do ?

Hi GhostCraft,

Are they playing on the same PC as you or remotely from their own home.
Currently only local co-op is possible.

Keep an eye on the PC News and Announcements section for potential updates regarding non-local forms of multiplayer.

Parsec allows you to play any local co-op game remotelly.

As a comment on this post says, it is true if they add an online multiplayer mode they will be much more successful now that the game is free in the epic, I really want to play with friends but they can’t come to my house so that an online mode solves many things

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Similarly, I have a full-fledged computer, my wife and daughter! I wanted to play with my family, but there is only a windowed mode on 1 computer, which is very exciting, there are also friends on the Internet who want to play with me, but there is no multiplayer, and the split screen is not interesting and not acceptable. We are waiting for multiplayer over the network (lan or Internet)

You forgot to mention that it costs 30 dollars per person (minimum)
atleast 50% of the player community doesnt have 60 dollars to throw away so they can play 1 game together

Por favor cambiar el cooperatio que es muy malo la forma de jugar por dios

Haven’t looked into it myself, but I’ve been told about Steam Share, that would allow you to play together, remotely.

I have both the PS4 and Steam versions, and I can confirm that Steam had a remote play feature associated with the game, though I have no idea how to operate it as I normally avoid online co-op games. They have a risk of lagging, depending on your connection quality, and when you’re in a survival game, it’s very risky to rely on a connection to play.

Though I really don’t have anyone to play with that I actually know irl, so it wouldn’t make any difference to me one way or the other if the co-op were local or remote play compatible as I wouldn’t have a need for it. At most, I’d try to play co-op mode with two controllers, by myself, just to see if it’s any easier to survive that way with two people working together for food and resources rather than doing everything solo.

Just saying they are working on it.


I’m rather giddy at the prospect.

aww maaan I need this