Hey need to make it three players

You guys need to make it three players

The game is way too unstable for 3 players, 2 players is too much as it is.
There’s so many bugs and server problems with desync and things disappearing, adding another player would totally break everything.

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You don’t know nothing about games I do so you need to hush it won’t break nothing

You have no idea how much the game broke when they added 2 play co-op.

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:rofl: :rofl: I know nothing about games!? You don’t know me from any other person on this forum and you think you can say that?? Come up with a new insult. That one is lame.
Go cry somewhere else, kid. You know nothing about this game and its various problems that make it completely unstable for updates adding more players.
Even the devs know this game is a dead end now and won’t do anything else to it as it’s a dumpster fire of a mess.