Gyrocopter parts missing from the carrier

I have restarted 12 different seeds some from other players and most random seeds from the game…but not once do I find the 3 parts of the gyrocopter in the aircraft carrier…has it been removed from the game or is it a bug…
I redownloaded the game it’s fully updated, I play on PlayStation 4 …
Any response would be appreciated.Thank you

On console, you just find generic gyro parts in shipwrecks and then craft the coptor piece by piece.
With how the game RNG spawns things in crates, lockers and consoles in ships, you’ll be swimming in parts after a few ingame weeks, you’ll have enough parts for a squadron of gyrocoptors

I have a ton of the engine type parts but haven’t found the chassis or seat or prop…that’s what I thought would be on the aircraft carrier…

You can’t find “seat” or chassis or whatever, you use the generic gyro parts to craft those in the crafting menu