Finally Platinum trophy

Creator Credit: (Set as Me or Self if it’s your own work)
Source: (Link to original source, set as N/A if it’s your own work)



Nice one! Congrats =D

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Impressive, congrats!

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You have entered the hall of champions!

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Well done, I thought about going after the trophy. But just finished the game myself and the thought of starting it all over again without using the compass seems daunting. Again, well done.


(PS4 Player from the U.S)

Ahh finishing the game again, I really wish theyd add more to this game it has so much potential!!

I have so many suggestions , and this game could make them a lotta money, they could really be going somewhere they just need to hire more staff

Maybe if they added a monthly reward system to the game to make people wanna hop on each month, most people care about longer gameplay and not so much the story line, and this would give more incentive to play

-Maybe there could be a market system where players can trade with each other or sell items for a type of currency once they craft a market or something, that would be littt asf.

They could sell the currency for actual cash and be making more money from that, you know everyone loves being able to trade and work with an economy

Ahh id love to see this get updated

Hi nilah_princess,

I’m glad to hear that you are enjoying Stranded Deep and appreciate your feedback and suggestions :slight_smile: We have a suggestions section for the Console version here: [Console] Suggestions - Stranded Deep - we created this section to keep all of the suggestions in one place for easy reference and so suggestions don’t get lost in other topics.

As a side note, as I’ve seen you’ve posted the same suggestions in two different posts, please also be careful about duplicate messaging in multiple topics, I understand you want to share your ideas with other users, but posting the same messages will grab the attention of the Auto-Mod and filter them as Spam, as well as this, avoiding posting the same message in multiple locations helps us to keep the forums tidy :slight_smile: Thank you for your understanding.