About the [Console] Bug Reports category

Report issues to the team here.

Before posting in the main bug reports area, please check “Known Issues” for similar issues and advice.

When posting a new bug report, please:

  • Start the Title with your platform, and area affected - For example: [XB1][Audio] or [PS4][Menus] or [Switch][Gameplay] - followed by the title of your post.
  • Follow the topic outline as best you can so we can have as much information about your issue right from the beginning.
  • Please do not post your info within another players report, please create a unique report with your info to prevent confusion within topics.
  • Please only comment on another players issue if you are able to offer advice or suggestions. We encourage the community to help each other, so if you can help another player before we get to their post, please do.
  • NEVER share personal information, emails, gamertags or online IDs in your post.

Bug reports are addressed in order and it may take some time for us to get to yours. Commenting on your own post in an attempt to bump it (which is against the rules anyway) will only bring it to the end of the queue for those working through the reports.

There are three other sections to this area:

  • Known Issues - Issues the team are aware of and any information we have on available workarounds.
  • Fixed Issues - Known issues that were fixed in previous updates.
  • Suggestions - Please post and discuss all game suggestions here.

Please read the about section in each area before posting.