Will there be an update that will add some old console stuff?

4 anni fa su console c’erano molte cose su Stranded Deep che poi sono state tolte con il tempo, per esempio l’incerata, gli stracci bianchi, la vecchia luminosità, e le costruzioni in legno spiaggiato e poi da PC c’erano i secchi di metallo, gli antibiotici, la morfina ecc…
Mi piacerebbe se il team farebbe un aggiornamento in cui si riaggiungerebbe qualcosa di vecchio… Se magari uscirà una nuova patch per console dato che é da un po’ di tempo che non esce un aggiornamento.

Translation added by Clare using Google Translate:

4 years ago on consoles there were a lot of things on Stranded Deep that have then been removed over time, for example the tarpaulin, the white rags, the old brightness, and the beached wood constructions and then from PC there were the metal buckets, antibiotics, morphine etc …
I would like it if the team would do an update where they would re-add something old … Maybe a new patch will come out for the console since an update hasn’t been released for some time.

Hi Esseba104,

I have edited your post to include an English translation and title. As I mentioned in a previous reply to you, we ask that players post in English or include a translation in their posts as per the Rules and Guidelines of the forums:

As our Staff and Moderators are all English Speakers, please avoid using other languages. We need to be able to read everything posted in order to effectively run the forums. If you are unable to or do not feel confident writing in English, please use an online translator. If you are concerned about your post being mistranslated you may post in your preferred language on the condition that a 1:1 translation accompanies it.

Thank you for your understanding.

Regarding your message: Thank you for your feedback about items removed from Stranded Deep, a number of items were removed due to gameplay changes. For example tarps were removed and some recipes now use cloth instead.

Sam recently posted an update noting that Stranded Deep on PC is now considered feature complete and they will be working on stability and quality of life fixes from now on. This post can be read here: Update from the team, 2022-05-03 [Crosspost]

There may still be some PC features or changes that will be ported over to console in coming updates (the team are currently working on the next update but the contents of the update has not yet been announced), however reverting to some older items and recipes may not occur.

That said, I will pass your feedback regarding these items onto the team. Thank you again for sharing it with us.

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