Requins 👻 fantôme


J’ai un soucis depuis très longtemps au début ça le faisait pas et après une mise à jour le problème est arrivé. Je suis en exploration dans un cargo quand un requin passe à travers la paroi et me déchique, ou alors le requin :shark: nage sous le sable près du bord de l’île et pareil m’attaque par en dessous sans rien ne pouvoir faire !!

Comment remédier au problème sur Xbox one X ?

Translation added by Clare using Google Translate
I had a problem for a very long time at the beginning it didn’t and after an update the problem happened. I’m exploring in a freighter when a shark goes through the wall and tears me apart, or the shark: shark: swims under the sand near the edge of the island and the same attacks me from below without being able to do anything !!
How to fix the problem on Xbox one X?

Hi MicSeize06, welcome to the forums,

Forum Translations

I have edited your post to have an English translation and title. We ask that players post in English as per the Rules and Guidelines of the forums:

As our Staff and Moderators are all English Speakers, please avoid using other languages. We need to be able to read everything posted in order to effectively run the forums. If you are unable to or do not feel confident writing in English, please use an online translator. If you are concerned about your post being mistranslated you may post in your preferred language on the condition that a 1:1 translation accompanies it.

Thank you for your understanding.

With regards to your issue, I have seen reports that players are experiencing issues with sharks swimming through ships. Can you confirm for me if after the update you are still seeing them swimming through the sand as well or if you have only seen them swimming through the ships?

Bonsoir Claire, oui c’est toujours le cas je viens de me faire mordre par un requin lors de l’exploration d’un cargo. Le requin passe à travers les parois du cargo il passes aussi à travers les cloisons des conteneurs rouge. J’ai essayé de désinstaller et de réinstaller le problème est toujours présent.

Good evening Claire, yes it is still the case I just got bitten by a shark while exploring a cargo ship. The shark passes through the walls of the cargo ship it also passes through the bulkheads of the red containers. I tried to uninstall and reinstall the problem is still present.

Thank you for confirming this information for me MicSeize06 - I will inform the team. Unfortunately there does not appear to be a workaround for this issue but I appreciate you telling me what you did try to stop it.

I believe this is related to a fix the team were working on but where swiming through the island may be fixed, the ships are still an issue. If you do see a shark swimming through an island in the current version, please let me know and I’ll update my report.