[PS5/PS4][1.14][Gameplay][Multiplayer] Épaves jamais pillées - Wrecks never plundered


N’ayant pas trouvée de topic sur ce sujet je me permet de demander.

Voilà, je joue en multijoueur moi (l’hôte) sur PS5 et mon copain sur PS4. Nous adorons le looting et sommes très minutieux quand nous pillons une épave.
Seulement, en vérifiant sur la montre le nombre d’épaves pillée ce chiffre n’augmente pas toujours.
Actuellement, nous avons 14 épaves pillées alors que réellement nous en avons fait au moins une trentaine.
Cette situation est très frustrante car nous sommes limité dans les loots trouvés et cherchons désespérément un rouleau de scotch depuis un long, très long moment.

Je précise : lorsque nous ramassons une caisse sur une barque, l’épave est pillée, le nombre augmente. Parfais rien a dire, mais pour tous les bateaux plus gros c’est différent.
Lorsque nous fouillons un plus gros bateau, malgré d’incessants plongeons pour vérifier chaque recoin et pixel du bateau impossible d’avoir l’épave pillée.

Il arrive même que certaines épaves (bateaux de croisière, a long mât…) soit vide et que nous ne trouvons rien du tout dessus. Cela me paraît étonnant au vu de l’aventure solo que j’ai faite il y a 2-3ans ou je trouvais énormément de loots dans les épaves.

Je ne sais pas si cela est ‘‘normal’’ d’avoir des épaves vides. Ou si cela a un lien avec certaines zones qui sont parfois inaccessible notamment les soutes qui sont souvent bloqué par des cagettes en bois. Cependant, avec une lampe on n’y voit aucunes console, casier ou caisse.

Je parle majoritairement de ce problème car les autres sont déjà connu mais je tiens à dire que ça fait beaucoup beaucoup de bug en multijoueur ! (déconnexion du joueur invité (P2), caisse visuellement vide pour P2, disparition de caisses, P2 ne pouvant déplacer le radeau, disparition d’item dans la poche de P2, ceinture non craftable, ect).

Cela entrave notre progression et limite fortement l’avancé dans l’histoire. Notamment les déconnexion qui peuvent arriver 3-4 fois en 2h et la reconnexion qui prend du temps avec bien-sûr la peur que des caisses ou items ne soit plus là…

Nous poursuivons malgré tout notre aventure car nous aimons ce jeu et pouvoir le faire en multijoueur ensemble c’est incroyable !
Nous faisons de notre mieux pour sauvegarder régulièrement et limité les bugs, nous adaptons notre gameplay mais le pb des épaves c’est limite anti-jeu.

Toutefois, merci quand même pour les efforts mis dans ce site afin d’améliorer le jeu et merci de prendre en compte les retours de joueurs en galère. :smile:

Bonne journée à tous !

Translation added by Clare using Google Translate


I haven’t found a topic on this subject, so I’m asking.

There you go, I’m playing multiplayer myself (the host) on PS5 and my buddy on PS4. >We love looting and are very thorough when looting wreckage.
However, by checking the number of looted wrecks on the watch, this figure does not always increase.
Currently, we have 14 looted wrecks when really we have done at least thirty.
This situation is very frustrating as we are limited in loot found and have been desperately looking for a roll of tape for a long, long time.

I specify: when we pick up a crate on a boat, the wreckage is looted, the number increases. Perfect nothing to say, but for all the bigger boats it is different.
When we search a larger boat, despite incessant diving to check every nook and cranny of the boat, it is impossible to have the wreckage looted.

It even happens that certain wrecks (cruise ships, long-masted boats, etc.) are empty and that we find nothing at all on them. This seems surprising to me given the solo adventure I did 2-3 years ago where I found a lot of loot in the wrecks.

I don’t know if it’s “normal” to have empty wrecks. Or if it has a link with certain areas which are sometimes inaccessible, in particular the holds which are often blocked by wooden crates. However, with a lamp you don’t see any consoles, lockers or cash registers.

I mainly talk about this problem because the others are already known but I want to say that it’s a lot of bugs in multiplayer! (disconnection of the guest player (P2), crate visually empty for P2, disappearance of crates, P2 not being able to move the raft, disappearance of item in the pocket of P2, belt not craftable, ect).

This hinders our progress and severely limits progress in the story. In particular the disconnection which can happen 3-4 times in 2 hours and the reconnection which takes time with of course the fear that boxes or items are no longer there…

We continue our adventure despite everything because we love this game and being able to do it in multiplayer together is incredible!
We do our best to save regularly and limit bugs, we adapt our gameplay but the pb of wrecks is anti-game limit.

However, thank you all the same for the efforts put into this site to improve the game and thank you for taking into account the feedback from struggling players. :smile:

Good day to all !

Hi Ophase12, Welcome to the forums,

I have edited your post to have an English translation and title. We ask that players post in English or include a translation in their posts as per the Rules and Guidelines of the forums:

As our Staff and Moderators are all English Speakers, please avoid using other languages. We need to be able to read everything posted in order to effectively run the forums. If you are unable to or do not feel confident writing in English, please use an online translator. If you are concerned about your post being mistranslated you may post in your preferred language on the condition that a 1:1 translation accompanies it.
Thank you for your understanding.

Regarding your report, firstly, thank you for sharing the details of your experience.

Were any of the wrecks out of the 30 you looted from custom islands that you had placed on the map yourself, or were they all in-game generated islands and wrecks?

Can you confirm it is only the large wrecks you’re noticed won’t check off for you? Or could a partially sunken smaller ship cause the same issue?

It is possible it is as you’ve described, that there could be something spawned in an area you cannot access or is sunken into the ground. I will check with the team what the specific criteria for having a ship marked off as looted is.

Regarding the wreckages that are empty, can you confirm for me if these are on game generated islands or custom islands you’d made yourself? If it’s game generated, please provide the seed number of the map you’re using and if there’s a wreck you recall being empty knowing it’s location on the map may help the team check it out.

Thank you for also mentioning the other issues that you’ve experienced. While these are indeed reported by others, any additional info you can give about your own experience would be greatly appreciated.

Disconnection of P2:
Are you both playing in the same household or different households?
What is the NAT type of both of your consoles (in console network settings)?
Have you noticed any action in game resulting in P2 disconnecting or does it appear to be random?

Disappearance of crates:
Do these crates disappear from container shelves, or are they on the ground?
Have you noticed anything in particular in common with the crates that do disappear such as their contents or if they were more recently acquired?
If you check the center of your base island, or the starting island, can you see crates or hear evidence of them in water underground?

Disappearance of item in P2 inventory:
Can you confirm if this is the tool belt or P2s backpack? As well as what disappears and if it’s noticed during gameplay or on reload?

Tool belt not craftable:
While not ideal, there is a workaround that can help you to craft the toolbelt. If you craft the first toolbelt slot, exit and reload the game, you should be able to craft the first slot again. When you do this, the second slot should unlock. This can be repeated until the whole toolbelt is unlocked.

It’s great to hear you’re enjoying playing Stranded Deep in Multiplayer. And I understand how limited loot can make gameplay much more difficult for you. I shall report the issues to the team and if you have anything else you wish to report or share details of, please do not hesitate to do so!

Thank you