I’m trying to platinum the game and to get it I need to do all the items, but when I try to place hooks and shelves they are not placed always giving a warning that “there is something in the way”. I would like you to try to resolve this issue as soon as possible, thank you!
Hi Igor, welcome to the forums,
Thank you for reporting this issue, I am sorry that this is affecting your gameplay and attempt to platinum the game. Unfortunately there are no known workarounds for this issue that we have seen for this but this is an issue the team are aware of (and it’s impact on trophies) and are working to resolve as quickly as possible.
Thank you again.
Good luck, thank you!
I have the exact same problem and hope it gets fixed soon my platinum only depends on hook and shelf
Hi Sepy137, welcome to the forums,
I’m sorry your platinum has been affected by this issue also. The team believe they’ve found a fix for the issue and are testing it. I unfortunately don’t have a timeline for a release for this at the moment but I’ll update the community if I get word of release date for the next update.
Hello Clare
thank you for the reply and information. I look forward to the day when I see a new update notification in this perfect game
Thank you for your support and understanding Sepy137 - and thank you also for spreading the word when other users report issues - it’s really appreciated