Lot of bugs xbox1

*Xbox1, version,
Lot of bugs. Unnplayable game
Sound bugs. Interacts bugs. Frame disastear but Island not craft, Begin of game

I’m French player

Je ne sais pas dans quel topic je dois mettre ce post.
Je joue sur Xbox One et un ami aussi.
Comme beaucoup nous ne pouvons pas interagir avec les items. En revanche, si on regarde au pied du personnage, là nous pouvons interagir avec quelques éléments. C’est agaçant mais c’est déjà ça.
Ensuite, les FPS sont d’une horreur sans nom. Lorsque je ne suis pas sur mon île, mais en exploration, le bateau (petit bateau) bug. Pareil lorsque que je suis sur une île en exploitation. L’île bug, les FPS sont atroces.
Lorsque je pose des objets à partir de mon inventaire, ils disparaissent. Lorsque je les poses de mes mains, ils disparaissent. Lorsque je les soulève avec la gâchette (LT) les objets disparaissent.

De plus, les bruits de cuisson de mon île continue alors que je suis à 10 minute de navigation en direction du sud. D’autres sons, comme des grésillement se font entendre très régulièrement et ceux après quelques minutes de jeu

Le jeu est injouable, je comprend que les mises à jour soient compliquées.

Je voulais juste faire un résumé des problèmes rencontrés.

Traduction DEEpl (french to english USA):


I don’t know in which topic I should put this post.
I play on Xbox One and so does a friend.
Like many we can’t interact with the items. However, if we look at the foot of the character, there we can interact with some items. It’s annoying but it’s something.
Secondly, the FPS are horrible. When I’m not on my island, but in exploration, the boat (small boat) bugs. Same thing when I’m on an island in operation. The island bug, the FPS are atrocious.
When I put items from my inventory, they disappear. When I put them from my hands, they disappear. When I lift them with the trigger (LT) the items disappear.

In addition, the cooking noises from my island continue while I am 10 minutes southbound.
Other sounds, such as sizzling, can be heard very regularly and after a few minutes of play

The game is unplayable, I understand that the updates are complicated.

I just wanted to make a summary of the problems encountered

Hello Gaijin2swim - thank you for reporting these issues and for including an english translation with your post. I will address each item in turn here:

Interaction Issue

  • In case you haven’t seen it, I have been updating the post on this issue here - [Known Issue][PS4/XB1] Loss of interactions - and includeds links to posts from the developers and some extra workarounds that have worked for players.


  • Are you playing on a new save or is this an older established save that was updated from version 2033 to 2071?

  • In the past players have reported storing items in crates, especially if they have a lot of loose items on their island, which has helped to ease the FPS Drop.

  • I do have a report for the team on this and will update it with any extra information about you save and setup you can provide.

Items disappearing

  • Can you elaborate on the items disappearing? Are there any items in particular this occurs with?

  • When this happens are you playing Single Player and Multiplayer? If you’re playing multiplayer are you the host or Player 2?

  • Some players have mentioned the items turn invisible but they can still find them, or they find them later on reload or near the shore, has this occurred in your save at all?


  • When the cooking noises follow you, have you set items to cook before leaving? What method are you using to cook these items?

  • When you hear sizzling, are items actively being cooked at the time or does this appear to happen randomly?

Any extra information about your experiences of these issues that you can provide would be greatly appreciated as it can help the team to investigate these issues further. Thank you.

Je vous remercie pour votre réponse

J’irai voir le topic

J’ai rencontré ces problèmes lorsque j’ai joué sur ancienne partie dans le première emplacement de sauvegarde
Puis une seconde sauvegardé dans le deuxième emplacement depuis la mise à jour de la version 2033 à 2071.

Lorsque je joue je laisse rarement des objets sur le sol de l’île
Je range au maximum dans les caisses mises à part le Yucca et quelques bouts de bois.

Pour les objets qui disparaissent, cela concerne la taule, les planches, ainsi que les outils. Pour les pièces de moteurs, les boussoles et les lampes, ils restent sur le sol.

Je joue principalement en mode solo.
Lorsque j’ai essayé une partie multijoueur avec mon ami, les interactions étaient impossibles au bout de 5 minutes en temps réel.

Les seuls objets invisible que j’ai eu sont des caisses dans les épaves.

Pour le temps de cuisson, j’ai mis les viandes à cuir juste avant de partir en exploration. J’utilise le fumoir pour les faire cuire.
Les grésillements quant à eux, surviennent de manière aléatoire, et souvent ils interviennent quelques petites minutes avant que je ne puisse plus interagir avec les items (caisses, bois, lampes, yucca, eau, outils, tout ce que l’on peut utiliser dans le jeu).

DEEpl traduction :

Thank you for your answer

I will check the topic

I encountered these problems when I played on old game in the first save location.
Then a second save in the second location since the update from 2033 to 2071.

When I play I rarely leave items on the floor of the island.
I store as much as possible in the boxes except for the Yucca and some pieces of wood.

For the objects which disappear, it concerns the sheet metal, the boards, as well as the tools. For the engine parts, compasses and lamps, they stay on the ground.

I play mostly in single player mode.
When I tried a multiplayer game with my friend, interactions were impossible after 5 minutes in real time.

The only invisible items I got were crates in the wrecks.

For the cooking time, I put the meats to leather just before I go exploring. I use the smoker to cook them.
As for the sizzling, it happens randomly, and often happens a few minutes before I can’t interact with the items (crates, wood, lamps, yucca, water, tools, everything you can use in the game).

Stranded deep being a good game, and that in spite of the problems met recently, it is normal to point out all that in order to help the developers

Hi Gaijin2swim,

Thank you for answering those questions for me. I’ll make note of this information. If you notice or experience anything else while playing, please do not hesitate to let me know.

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Depuis la mise a jour, il y a des petits bug
L’un d’entre eux empêche un succès. Il est impossible de dormir sur le radeau avec le lit de camp.

Lorsque je crée des îles, les cochons ne sont pas visibles et courent sous l’eau ou dans les épaves sous l’eau.
Les grands cochons quant à eux sont inexistants lors de la création d’îles.

Certains requins semblent manquants.

Et lit de camp est toujours enfoncé dans le sol.

Mise à part ça, le jeu est bien jouable en mode solo

Pour le mode multi, le deuxième jour voit des objets comme les feuilles fibreuses, le yucca etc alors que ceux sont ont déjà été récoltés.
Le deuxième joueur, il crée un ceinturon, verra ses atouts disparaître lorsque l’on quitte le jeu pour rejouer plus tard.

Traduction DEEpl:
Since the update, there are small bugs
One of them prevents a success. It is impossible to sleep on the raft with the cot.

When I create islands, the pigs are not visible and run underwater or in the wrecks underwater.
The big pigs are non-existent when creating islands.

Some sharks seem to be missing.

And cot is always sunk in the ground.

Apart from that, the game is well playable in single player mode.

For the multiplayer mode, the second day sees items like fibrous leaves, yucca etc. when those have already been harvested.
The second player, he creates a belt, will see his assets disappear when leaving the game to play again later.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Hi Gaijin2swim,

Thank you for providing further details of your experiences when playing Stranded Deep.
Some of the issues you mentioned are ones I already have reports on and will update the reports with your details

  • For the missing sharks, is there any type of shark in particular you cannot find? Or have you found they are not spawning around islands?

  • For the cot that is sunk into the ground, is this one that was created in an earlier version, or one you crafted recently? The team did release a fix for this issue but only newly crafted sleeping bags / cots would stand on the ground correctly. If your one is recently crafted, then I shall alert the team so they can reinvestigate this issue.
    Please also let me know if your cot stands on your raft correctly or if the legs sink below the raft floor?

  • I believe the issue you are refering to with your second players belt is the one described here: [Known Issue][PS4/XB1] Inventory and Tool Belt Reset (Multiplayer) - If this is the case, please let me know what they had in their tool belt when it vanished and if they chose to leave the game or if they were disconnected by an error.

Thank you.


The problem of the cot has been solved, the new cot is correctly installed in multi, and single player mode. We can sleep on the raft again.

Sharks were absent on islands created by myself.

And the missing belt was due to the fact that I had been ejected from the servers.

It’s been several days since I played and I noticed all these fixes this morning

Hi Gaijin2swim,

I’m glad to hear you were able to sleep on the raft again. I believe the team are working on a fix to prevent this issue from occuring in future. If you notice it occuring again in your save, please let me know.

Did sharks eventually spawn around your island or are they still missing? I think for created islands the spawning of sharks maybe slightly delayed. If they are still missing, please let me know.

You mentioned noticing fixes this morning when playing. Was the belt issue fixed in your save also? I have not heard of this being fixed for players and would be interested to know if this was the case for you.

A post was split to a new topic: [Xbox] Stay Alive Timeout error