Changing Themes and Text Size on the Forums

Hi Everyone!

I wanted to do a quick guide for new users to cover how to change your display preferences for the forums. The default theme is set to Stranded Deep Map - Ocean, but there are other colours and a darker mode available which some users may prefer. The text size is also set to Normal, but it is easy to increase or decrease the size if needed. (My screen grabs are taken with the Night theme turned on)

You can change the Theme by clicking on your icon in the top right of your screen and selecting the settings tab.

From there, select preferences which will bring you to a new page. On the left side bar, choose interface
and a drop down for Themes with appear. You also adjust the text size here if want to too and few other preference options to help customize your experience of the forums.

Once you’re happy with your chosen setting, hit the save button at the bottom. When you reload the page (or click the Stranded Deep logo in the top bar to return home), you should be able to see the new theme and any other adjustments.

You can change your theme and other preferences at any time so you can try out the different settings to see what works for you and switch back at any stage :slight_smile:

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