[2071] Various Issues

Buonasera, da ieri dopo l’aggiornamento, ho notato anch’io molti lag con conseguente perdita dell’orientamento; segnala errore salvataggio nel rifugio; cibo e acqua sull’orologio calano velocemente rispetto a prima, in caso di avvelenamento bisogno continuare a mangiare e bere mentre prima si poteva fare un viaggio verso un’altra isola e resistere due tre giorni dopo di che si guariva, ora non è più possibile se non si usa subito l’antidoto; continua a chiedere di abbassare la temperatura; oggetti che spariscono nella sabbia, coltello raffinato, foglie di palma, merluzzo ( anche nelle rocce), granchi ecc…

Translation added by Clare using Google Translate
Good evening, since yesterday after the update, I too noticed a lot of lag with a consequent loss of orientation; reports rescue error in the shelter; food and water on the clock drop faster than before, in case of poisoning you need to continue eating and drinking while before you could make a trip to another island and resist two or three days after which you recovered, now it is no longer possible if the antidote is not used immediately; keep asking to lower the temperature; objects that disappear in the sand, refined knife, palm leaves, cod (even in the rocks), crabs etc …

Hi simmy, welcome to the forums,

I moved your message to a new topic as while you mentioned similar items such as items being lost through the sand, I also wanted to be able to go through the other issues and ask some questions.

I have also edited your post to have an English translation and title. We ask that players post in English as per the Rules and Guidelines of the forums:

As our Staff and Moderators are all English Speakers, please avoid using other languages. We need to be able to read everything posted in order to effectively run the forums. If you are unable to or do not feel confident writing in English, please use an online translator. If you are concerned about your post being mistranslated you may post in your preferred language on the condition that a 1:1 translation accompanies it.

Thank you for your understanding.

With regards to your issues, I’ll try to address each below, and if I miss anything, please let me know but to start, can you also confirm for me what platform you are playing on?

  1. “Lag with consequent loss of orientation”
    This may be a translator issue, but I believe you are referring to the crashes that can occur when Lag builds up and when there is a lot of lag and you are trying to save. (if this is not correct, please let me know)
    Do you have a lot of loose items on your island? If so, please try putting as many as you can in storage as this may help to reduce the lag.
    From your description it sounds like this is a pre-existing save that was updated, would this be correct? If so, before updating did you experience lag in your game, even if it was only a little bit?

  2. Reports save [rescue] error in shelter
    Do you receive an error message stating you are unable to save, or does the system crash and you see an error from the system?
    Please let me know what the message says and if there are any error codes displayed.

  3. Food and water dropping faster.
    I’ve seen other players mentioning something similar and I’ll add these details to the report for the team. Including losing the ability to outlast poison.

  4. Keep asking to lower the temperature.
    Have you found the need to cool down occurs quicker? Does any protection help to ease this? There was another report that raft canopies may not be effective in cooling a character down. Have you found this to be the case too?

  5. Objects disappear in the sand.
    Thank you for providing that list. When you mention the fish vanishes even in the rocks, do you mean that dropping the fish on the rocks instead of the sand still resulted in it disappearing?

Thank you for taking the time to report these issues and any extra information you can provide about your experiences would be greatly appreciated!

Hello, I opened the game today and from what I see everything is back to normal. Thanks

That’s good to hear simmy, thank you for telling me and if you notice any issues occuring again, please let me know.

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Various problems:
Problemi vari:

Traduzione in inglese con google translate:
Ps4, passive fauna, a new island to explore. it is no longer possible to interact with objects of any kind (restarted the game 3 times, after which I gave up); when you have your inventory full there is a continuous sound if the cursor is on other objects; boards, cod, coconut flasks, fibrous leaves and more disappear in the sand, some objects you find them after days others not. large intestine continues both on the island and in the water; it is difficult to light the fire. If you don’t take aloe ointment, you won’t be able to stay in the sun.
It was better before the update.

I hope I have prepared the message in the right way and have posted it in the right place. Thanks

Testo originale in italiano:
Ps4, fauna passiva, isola nuova da esplorare. non si riesce più a interagire con gli oggetti di nessun genere (ricominciato il gioco 3 volte, dopo di che, ho desistito); quando si ha il proprio inventario pieno c’è un suono continuo se il cursore si trova su altri oggetti; tavolame, merluzzo, fiaschette di noci di cocco, foglie fibrose e altro spariscono nella sabbia, alcuni oggetti li ritrovi dopo giorni altri no. crash continui sia sull’isola che in acqua; si fatica ad accendere il fuoco. Se non si prende l’unguento di aloe, non si riesce a stare al sole.
Era meglio prima dell’aggiornamento.

Spero di aver preparato il messaggio nel modo giusto e di averlo postato nel posto giusto.

Hi Simmy,

Thank you for those extra details and for taking the time to use a translator to share them.

Cannot interact with objects - The team are aware of this issue and are working to resolve it. In case you haven’t seen it I have a post on it that I updated today - [Known Issue][PS4/XB1] Loss of interactions

Continuous full inventory sound - I have submitted a report on this to the team and they are investigating the issue.

Disappearing items - You mentioned finding some after a few days. Do they reappear in the spot they have disappeared from or do you find them somewhere else on your island?

Crashes and Lag / FPS Drop - (I think this translation might not have gone through correctly - please let me know if I am wrong) If you are experiencing a lot of lag and crashes, especially around your fire where it is difficult to light, please try moving any objects if you can from around your fire. I know some players like to keep piles of sticks etc nearby but if you have a buildup in lag when it may contribute to the difficulty in lighting fires.

Strong sun - A few players have reported this and I have informed the team. Unfortunately there is no workaround but they are working on a fix for it.

I think that’s everything… If I missed or misunderstood anything, please let me know!

Oggetti che scompaiono - Hai menzionato di averne trovati alcuni dopo pochi giorni. Riappaiono nel punto in cui sono scomparsi o li trovi da qualche altra parte sulla tua isola?

Ciao Chiara, gli oggetti persi li ritrovo in riva al mare. Grazie a te per avermi risposto
P.S.: Purtroppo non si può più giocare, come parto con la zattera si presenta il problema è devo spegnere il gioco.

Disappearing items - You mentioned finding some after a few days. Do they reappear where they disappeared or do you find them somewhere else on your island?

Hi Chiara, I find the lost objects on the seashore. Thanks to you for answering me
P.S.: Unfortunately it is no longer possible to play, as I start with the raft the problem arises and I have to turn off the game.

Hi Simmy, Thank you for confirming that information for me.

Would it be possible to get the seed number of the map you’re playing on (this is in the bottom left of the main menu) and to know which island you have experienced this on as the team would like to try replicate the issue with dropping items as closely as possible

Hi Chiara, this is also the island that I have chosen to build the house.
In case you don’t see the picture, the island is after the ship aft of the ship. The seed number #17472683

Ciao Chiara, questa è anche l’isola che ho scelto per costruire la casa.
Nel caso non visualizzassi l’immagine, l’isola si trova a poppa della nave. Il numero seme #17472683

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Thank you so much for taking the time to provide that image Simmy. I will pass this and your comment onto the team so they can use it in testing and working on a fix for this issue.